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  1. shabba

    Magnesium Deficiency

    It's def not nute burn as I have only started using nutes a couple of days ago & this was happening before that. I haven't added any Mg, I needs some tips on whats best to use? I'm just using compost with perlite. I only water about once every 3 days & the soil is always dry about 2 inches down??
  2. shabba

    Magnesium Deficiency

  3. shabba

    Magnesium Deficiency

    Sorry didn't upload the 1st time!!
  4. shabba

    Magnesium Deficiency

    I've attached a couple of pics so you can what I mean about the yellowing, the pics ain't great bcoz I'm using my phone. It seems to be the lower leaves that are most affected. I'm using BioBizz grow NPK & I've got Bloom for flowering.
  5. shabba

    Magnesium Deficiency

    I water them about once every 3 days & the ph is about 7. I could do with bringing the ph down slightly.
  6. shabba

    Magnesium Deficiency

    They're 3 weeks old, I've just started with the nutes today. I transplanted them in to new soil about a week ago so I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it?
  7. shabba

    Magnesium Deficiency

    I transplanted my plants about a week a go so this might have something to do with that. The leaves are started to yellow & I have read that the yellowing is due to magnesium definciancy.
  8. shabba

    Magnesium Deficiency

    It's def not nute burn as I'm not using them yet, they are only 3 weeks old & I'm gonna give it another week before I start with them. Can I just dilute all the above in to water? Also if I just left it as it is would it f*ck my plants completely?
  9. shabba

    Magnesium Deficiency

    I have come to the conclusioin that my plants have a lack of magnesium as the leaves are starting to turn yellow! Just wondering what can I add to bring the magnesium level up? I'm growing in soil.
  10. shabba

    Germing Problems

    You just need to keep them warm, moist & dark, you need to be patient, it could take up to 10 to 12 days! I put 4 seeds in damp paper towels, on a plate under a bowl & stuck them in a heated propagator, I put a sheet over it as well to keep it dark. I only managed to get 2 of the seeds to sprout...
  11. shabba


    I've got a question about the nutes, what do you use to measure it out as I'm struggling to find something I can measure millelitres out with because I need to add about 4millelitres to 1 litre water & I can find anything with a small enough measurement to do it with??
  12. shabba

    Just transplanted & having a problem!HELP!

    Do you think I'd should raise the light a bit? It doesn't seem to be spreading to the other leaves & there is some new leaves sprouting through.
  13. shabba

    Just transplanted & having a problem!HELP!

    Just thought I'd add that my soil is PH 7, what's the best way to get this down abit because in the long run this is gonna affect them?cheers!!
  14. shabba

    Just transplanted & having a problem!HELP!

    Here are a few pics of the plant that is affected, the other 1 is still doing fine.
  15. shabba

    1 pot 2 plants?

    cool I'm gonna give it a go when I've cropped the 2 I've got going now! I'm using feminised seeds so I'v not gotta worry about pulling the males out. Its worth giving it ago & seeing what happens. I'm only using a 1.4m grow tent so they're not gonna be massive.
  16. shabba

    Just transplanted & having a problem!HELP!

    Sorry, I have got them under a 250w HPS lamp & a fan running, the compost is all purpose with a PH of just under 7 & was doing a good job until I transplanted, Im not sure of the temp in there I need to get a thermometer in there. I 've not started with the nutes yet because they're only 2 weeks...
  17. shabba

    1 pot 2 plants?

    Im growing in a grow tent which has limited space & I was just wondering if I could grow 2 plants in 1 pot so that I could get 6 plants going in there?
  18. shabba

    Just transplanted & having a problem!HELP!

    I had them in compost which they were doing well in but they weren't draining very well & so I have just transplanted them in to compost & perlite to help with this, Just wanna know whats caused this & I wanna know if theres anything I can do beause this is the strongest plant & I dont wanna...
  19. shabba

    Just transplanted & having a problem!HELP!

    I have transplanted my 2 week old plants 2 days ago in to new soil & the leaves on 1 of them have started to turn yellow around the edges & are curling up! Whats causing this & what can I do to sort it out? My other plant seems fine so Im abit clueless as to why one of them has gone like that?
  20. shabba

    Soil advice needed!!!!

    I transplanted 1 of my plants yesterday in to the new soil mix & this morning the leaves have started to curl up! Is this normal because of the stres of the transplant or is there something I need to be adding or doing to stop this? Thanks