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  1. Stoobie

    METAL HALIDE 150W Philips

    According to this site, it's definitely a CMH: I have a Hortilux 400w HPS and a Phillips 400w CMH bulb in a tent. My light meter indicates that the CMH throws its lumens...
  2. Stoobie

    Two questions

    It's hard to tell from your pictures. What you circled in the first picture could be a calyx or a ball. Since you're early into flowering, wait a week. It'll be come more obvious. As for question 2, again, it's hard to tell. You'll want to look for a calyx with 2 hairs (stigmas) growing out of...
  3. Stoobie

    Leaf Discolor

    That's a perfect example of calcium deficiency. Check here: It's an easy fix. Just use some cal/mag.
  4. Stoobie

    ?hash question?

    In my experience (which is limited to 6-7 batches of isopropyl hash), dry works better. If your trim is still a bit wet and you're anxious to get started, put it in your freezer for a couple hours.
  5. Stoobie

    GHE Flora series - forgot to mix between bottles

    As long as you dumped your nutrients into your full reservoir and didn't mix them directly together without water, you're good to go. It's best to put in Flora Micro first, mix, then add the others (mixing in between). According to GH, you just don't want to mix them together full strength...
  6. Stoobie

    Are these males???

    Pic one is a male for sure. I'm not 100% on pic 2.
  7. Stoobie

    philips retro white 400w...anybody using it?

    Just got one from Greners. I've only had it 3 days, so I can't tell you anything about results. It seems to be well made, runs about as hot as a regular MH, and it's super bright...more white than orange. I guess it's not universal position because mine indicates "horizontal" on the...
  8. Stoobie

    grow tent question.

    I agree with sworth. Go for the 600. You won't regret it.
  9. Stoobie

    Need help understanding hash a little better

    A guy who is active on this site, Matt Rize, has a good website with a lot of hash information:
  10. Stoobie

    I have no idea what is going on here. Expert roll it up advice needed!! PICS INCLUDED

    I agree with massah, looks like a pH issue. I use a bit of pH up in soil with GH Flora series. I see some brown tips in your pictures, which typically indicates overfeeding, but could also be salt build up. Give them a nice flush to get any remaining fertilizer out, then go back to your half...
  11. Stoobie

    how to preserve buds without any maintenance

    Hygrometer is a humidity meter. If you google hygrometer, you'll get better results. If the humidity is too high, leave them out to dry longer. You'll be sacrificing a slow dry, but since you'll be leaving them for 4 weeks, you're better off going in the jars a little dry. Also, you could maybe...
  12. Stoobie

    Hash with hair in it! Ideas for removing?

    I agree with this method. You'll likely lose a little weight on the hash because you won't be able to squeeze all the alcohol out of the coffee filter, but it will work. Also, burning hair stinks but is not poisonous, so it's not going to hurt you. You could just pull out any you see and not...
  13. Stoobie

    how to preserve buds without any maintenance

    After 10 days, how do the buds feel? If they're basically dry, you're probably good. But like massah said, you need a hygrometer. A cheap one from any general store will work. You can find one small enough to work for around $8-$10. Personally, I think the best curing hygrometer around is the...
  14. Stoobie

    Do I have a hermie?? PICS

    Your pictures are so awesomely blurry. It made me laugh. I'm not trying to be mean. I just kept expecting the next picture to be clearer, but no. It's almost like #4 has been photoshopped out. It was quite comical in my head and I want to thank you for that. Seriously though, in picture one ...
  15. Stoobie

    lst'ing and topping.. tips, opions, advice.... c'mon drop a comment !!

    The methods to top and LST are as varied as the people on this forum. What works best for you will not work for everyone. I like to top so that I have 4 main colas. I wait till my seedling has 5 or 6 nodes. I typically remove the bottom 2 branches (first node) because those branches usually...
  16. Stoobie

    with seedling do you guys

    I think 30% relative humidity is too low for my seedlings. I use a coir based soil-less mix, and it would dry out too quickly with humidity that low. Thus, I use the humidity dome. After a week or two, seedlings can be kept in lower humidity. Most of the research I've read says that plants'...
  17. Stoobie

    What do u guys think of botanicare? having problems with this medium

    I forgot to mention that I really like Fox Farm Light Warrior as both a seed starting and cloning medium. Sunshine Advanced Mix #4 works well too. I'm currently growing in a mix of 1 bag Light Warrior (1 cubic...
  18. Stoobie

    What do u guys think of botanicare? having problems with this medium

    What sort of problems are you having? I haven't used that product, but from the description, I would imagine the medium requires a lot of watering. How often are you watering your Dixie cups? The label recommends watering 4-6 times a day. That seems like overkill, but you probably need to water...
  19. Stoobie

    pulling off cotyledon leaves

    I use cotyledons as a barometer for adding nutes. When the cotyledons yellow and fall off, it's time to start giving the plant light fertilizer. My plant's first meal (so to speak) is those leaves. But that's just my method...your mileage may vary.
  20. Stoobie

    Best Fan Ever. Extremely Quiet

    I have a TD fan. I use a TD 150 MixVent to cool my 400 watt reflector. It's a quiet fan...I also have a 4-inch Active Air that completely drowns out the sound of the TD. It doesn't move as much air as the Panasonic, but it works reliably, it's quiet, and Solar and Palau make a great product.