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  1. T

    Miracle-Gro Perlite

    Ive heard people say it has nutes in it, but im not sure about that. Its probably the same as any other perlite. If its got nutes in it, it should say on the back of the bad. Even if it does it wont be enough to matter
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    The previous tenants cat

    There were some odd holes in one of the leaves, i figured it was a malformation from being fim'd, 3 new shoots, just whaat i need to repenish my flower room next week
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    The previous tenants cat

    I recently moved into a new place. It seems the previous tenant abandoned his/her cat when they moved. I have a small flowering room that I keep stocked by propagating clones. It seems the cats favorite place to sleep is by the mother, even though its under 24/0. That must mean he's a BA cat.
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    Effectiveness of nutes?

    well i def underestimated then. lets see, I just saw the first non presex pistil on october 9, so...december 9 or so?
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    Effectiveness of nutes?

    Yeah im a bit puzzled on the flowering times honestly. I'm only now seeing the first pistols turn red/brownish. All trichs are clear. I thought the flower time was shorter. I was estimating harvesting at the end of this month, from what you say it sounds like it'll be longer
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    Effectiveness of nutes?

    Can anyone link to a good journal that shows the development of the main cola in detail?
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    Effectiveness of nutes?

    So they mostly fill in along the stem for the first 1/2 ro 2/3, and then they grow outward from there?
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    Effectiveness of nutes?

    So I'm growing under a 150w sunsystem hps. im like 4 weeks in an the best plant has a main cola about 8-9 inches long. I've just been using general MG nutes in facet water, not even ph'd. The plants look perfectly healthy, theyre a deep green with no discolorations. I see these crazy pics in the...
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    whatcha think?

    So this is my current grow, trying to do a tini perpetual grow under a 150w hps. take a look at the pics and tell me what you think. They are all clones, so alot of them had presex pistols at nodes junctions, but the first hairs from flowering came nine days before these pictures were taken. I...
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    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    Bulb quality? What was "meh" about it? How long it lasted? Didnt put out the lumens it was supposed to?
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    Can anyone confirm this as K Def?

    Thanks for the advice guys. Misted with alittle epson for good measure for good measure(the doesnt even mention magnesium, so i figured wth). Pulled the leaves off that gave with no resistance. The buds seem to be growing so im going to let the girls do what they can while i plan for my second...
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    Can anyone confirm this as K Def?

    I havent fed it hardly at all. Never over half strength, and always with atleast 2 waterings between, normally 3 or 4.
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    Can anyone confirm this as K Def?

    Been looking into that and I think you're right. I know the PH of MG seed started is around 5, but my ph meter hasnt arrived yet, so I dont really wanna go trying to raise it without knowing where im at. If Ph is locking out the cal/mg uptake from soil(assuming its available) will the plant...
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    Can anyone confirm this as K Def?

    O yeah, this alittle over 2 weeks in flower!
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    Can anyone confirm this as K Def?

    I have two plants grown identically(except one was topped 2 times instead of once). Same pots, soil, water, feedings etc One seems to be doing great, the other is progressively yellowing. The yellowing to me most resembles the K deficiency pictures from the sticky. Anyone agree with that...
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    Seems to be getting worse! Feed more or less? HALP

    Ive got the watering down, only do it when its almost completely dry, usually takes three days sometime 4. Their in the sun cause its sunny today, just to save some kwhrs, and to take pics. Normally theyre indoors under cfls, 8 26w 2700ks atm.
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    Seems to be getting worse! Feed more or less? HALP

    I only feed every 3 waterings, its seed starting MG soil so it barely has its own. The two plants are in identical pots soil and are fed and watered at the same times. One, outside a few slightly brown tips is lush and green, the other is get necrotic patches that curl some leaves and a rusting...
  18. T

    Stoked! 2 girls on first attempt :D

    So i grew two bagseeds, and 10 days ago switched to 12-12. Guess this means I win? 2 for 2. Needless to say im quite pleased, and enthusiastic. Any opinions on the uniform yellowing of the leaves? Nute burn? I feel like I hardly ever feed. Feed more? Feed less? Don't do anything different?
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    Foliar feeding question

  20. T

    Foliar feeding question

    The more i read the less i think the anti - MG sentiment is fact based, i saw a side by side of ff vs mg soil where the mg out did the ff. Budsforless is done in mg also, im in mg seedstart and mine seem fine