Can anyone confirm this as K Def?


Active Member
I have two plants grown identically(except one was topped 2 times instead of once). Same pots, soil, water, feedings etc One seems to be doing great, the other is progressively yellowing. The yellowing to me most resembles the K deficiency pictures from the sticky. Anyone agree with that diagnosis? The only fert I have, which I apply only every 3 watering at half strength is a general purpose 12-4-8. What do yall think? Up the strength? Lower? Foliar feed? Just watered today, the next watering would be feeding time in my rotation. Please Advise!

First pic is the plant that seems fine(took it outside for watering and pics and kwhr savings, it was really hot and they were dry thats why the leaves are going crazy lol), the rest are of the leaves on the troubled plant.
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Active Member
Been looking into that and I think you're right. I know the PH of MG seed started is around 5, but my ph meter hasnt arrived yet, so I dont really wanna go trying to raise it without knowing where im at. If Ph is locking out the cal/mg uptake from soil(assuming its available) will the plant absorb it threw its leaves if I foliar feed it?


Active Member
What are you feeding her? Some plants just don't want many nutes and it looks like this one is telling you to "STOP".


Well-Known Member
over-fed, imo. nute burn
AGREED:look at the leaves, the burned area is on the bottom of the leaf, along the edges. try grabbing a non-burnt leaf, remove it and mist it with some colored liquid or something, youll notice whatever liquid you picked builds up accross the leaf surface, until droplets form, and they rush down the sides of the leaf, collecting in the serrated edges and the tip of the leaves.

Thats what happening with your nutrients. they are spread out all over the leaf, but eventually, the breaking point is reached, and the excess is pushed outwards (or falls due to gravity perhaps??), either way it collects on the edge, and the toxic amount creates a burn in the leaves. your basically overfeeding the cells inside the leaf, and they shut down and die.

feed less.

pic 1 is wayyyyy too dark of a green for it to not be heavy on nitrogen, the other pics make it clear.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice guys. Misted with alittle epson for good measure for good measure(the doesnt even mention magnesium, so i figured wth). Pulled the leaves off that gave with no resistance. The buds seem to be growing so im going to let the girls do what they can while i plan for my second try. For my first try im still happy, im stoked i got ne bud to grow haha my next try will kick ass :) !