Foliar feeding question


Active Member
So I was out of town for a few days and left my girlfriend in charge of the babies for a few days, which basically consisted of her watering them once with plain water. When I got back the lowest leaf on one was brown and crispy, the set just above the brown one was yellow as in the picture, and then one set higher up is yellowing evenly as seen in the macro pic. Does that seem like a nute deficit? If so, should I foliar feed? She just watered so I cant feed via soil just yet. I have MG 12-4-8. It says it doesn't recommend foliar feeding indoor plants because the chance of leaf spots, which I'm assuming is nute burn that comes from droplets sitting on the leaves. Should I foliar feed? I havent fed in 2 waterings, if so any tips on avoiding the spotting?f135c574.jpeg9a33c2ba.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about it. The majority of the plant looks fine. It should recover. Ditch the Miracle Gro and opt for better nutrients. Feed the next time it needs water and relax until then. Get it under good light!


Active Member
you can avoid burnt spots by foliar feeding after the lights go out.. and i agree that you should invest in better nutes


Active Member
The more i read the less i think the anti - MG sentiment is fact based, i saw a side by side of ff vs mg soil where the mg out did the ff. Budsforless is done in mg also, im in mg seedstart and mine seem fine

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
MG gets a bad rap because its cheap. It's what first time, inexperienced growers use.

When something inevitably goes wrong, it's clearly the MGs fault, right?


Well-Known Member
I think MG is fine. Stop bashing MG. There are indeed better nutes out there designed for growing marijuana but MG will give it what it needs and grow a marijuana plant just fine. MG grows every other plant just fine why can't it grow MJ....oh wait it can. I made a mistake of spending ass loads of money on nutes and additives. when In fact for a first time hobby grow I could have bought MG soil and some MG plant food for like $20 and been completely fine. Instead I got talked into buying $100-200 in special formulated nutrients. Yea because my very first grow I will be able to nail those nutrients and get a huge yield right....pfft.

I'd say if you don't have the money stick with the MG. Spend your hard earned money on better things like rent and food and shit for your Girlfriend


Well-Known Member
Next time you foliar feed add 1/4 teaspoon of dish soap to each gallon of the will act like a surfactant.


Well-Known Member
Next time you foliar feed add 1/4 teaspoon of dish soap to each gallon of the will act like a surfactant.
True and very important for foliar feeding. You need a surfactant so the water wont form droplets and instead just cover the leaves evenly in a layer of water for the leaf to consume. Detergent acts as a surfactant but make sure it isn't antibacterial soap.