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  1. T

    Foliar feeding question

    So I was out of town for a few days and left my girlfriend in charge of the babies for a few days, which basically consisted of her watering them once with plain water. When I got back the lowest leaf on one was brown and crispy, the set just above the brown one was yellow as in the picture, and...
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    flowering light

    2700k which ever is closer is better, both would probably help tho, as long as your lights are 2700k mostly, some people like to round out the spectrums
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    please help ..plant not growing

    I dont see ne significant discoloration in those pix. If the ph is that low your going to have nute lockout, have you ph'd the water? Going from 7 to 4-5 is crazy, but i cant imagine your water is acidic enough to do that
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    Will My Plant Survive?

    Sounds like it will be fine. Theres actually a technique called supercropping where you crush a stem with your fingers because when it heals it heals stronger and more vascular than before(sort of the same idea as how you tear your muscles when working out so they heal bigger and stronger). It...
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    t5 vs hps??

    From what ive read hps is going to give you more lumens per watt and better canopy penetration. From a "put the light above the plant and see what happens" point of view HID wins, but like the previous poster mention youll need extra heat control which could mean ducting etc. All lights of the...
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    Hi guys I need LOTS of help here..(hydro/soil) yellow leaves,mites, mold all the shit

    Ah, not sure how harmful pm is but mold can be bad, id remove it if possible. Going to the pool ill check back later, hopefully someone more experienced will weigh in.
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    Hi guys I need LOTS of help here..(hydro/soil) yellow leaves,mites, mold all the shit

    You need to free up a light some how. Perhaps clear out the veg closet and sterilize it. Since all the plants have mites theres no harm in them sharing light. You need a clean space to put plants once your sure theyre mite free. With multiple mite ridden plants together youll likely never get...
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    Hi guys I need LOTS of help here..(hydro/soil) yellow leaves,mites, mold all the shit

    Pm? Looks like mold in the square container, scrape the top layer of soil off, prob from to much water.
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    Hi guys I need LOTS of help here..(hydro/soil) yellow leaves,mites, mold all the shit

    For pictures I would take a macro of each plant, and a micro of a leaf or leaves that represent the problem its having. I would also isolate the mite ridden ones as those evil bastards can spread like a plague.
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    Hi guys I need LOTS of help here..(hydro/soil) yellow leaves,mites, mold all the shit

    500 can easily be recouped from finishing a few plants. However, if the mites or mold get into your buds you gunna be eff'd. On top of that, with all them that spread out your spending money on light for plants that will likely die or yeild nothing significant. Even an amatuer can pick out the...
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    192 CFM room. 160 CFM fan. 220 CFM filter. OG Kush, Blue Widow. Do I need upgrade?

    Are you growing somewhere that smell is a big issue? In my experience all weed smells like weed, some more pungent, but when i say "this bud smells fruity" what i really mean is " on top of the smell weed always has, i also smell something fruity" I doubt any but a legit filter will make a huge...
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    Hi guys I need LOTS of help here..(hydro/soil) yellow leaves,mites, mold all the shit

    I would only keep the best plants and toss the rest, since your new to this its going to be very difficult to diagnose so many across multiple mediums. Save the best, read alot, and learn what you can as you finish out growing the most viable plants. After harvest, clean and sterlize everything...
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    4 week old ak48 leaves tip are yellowing

    Looks like nute burn, i dont do hydro 4 weeks is young, and some strains are more sensitive. Dilute alittle and see if the browning halts?
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    1st time grow, wondering how plants look

    Dont need to go a foot, just a few inches, u just want to go far enough to diminish the heat but without sacrificing to much light. Raise it 3 inches, and youll be good id bet.
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    1st time grow, wondering how plants look

    That might be alittle close for a seedling but i dont use HID so ignore me and go by temp. The right one looks great. Im on my first grow to and every morning when the lights come on im so smitten about the growth.
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    Seedling dying! Cfl change?

    The highier watt bulf probably gives off much more heat, if u have the new bulb at the same level u prob need to raise it, seedlings are sensitive
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    1st time grow, wondering how plants look

    For some reason i cant see your pix but if by concaving you mean the edges of the leaves are highier than the centers making a shape similar to a half-pipe ramp, then what you got is either heat stress or low humidity, maybe the soil is getting dry. Its often called "cupping" or "canoeing"...
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    Quick 2 questions.

    1. Cupping/canoeing of the leaves is underwatering/heat stress right? 2. what are the pistol-esque v-shaped (pointed at by the arrow)structures that grow ninety degrees from branches on the main stem? I've noticed them for some time and always been curious what they are, or what there purpose...
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    Slow growth problem

    Moneys tight, phing run off worthless?