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  1. demonds1

    Germinated till seed cracked

    Thanks :) Heres Pics:
  2. demonds1

    Germinated till seed cracked

    :-P I just updated the pic like 20 seconds ago. :-P
  3. demonds1

    Germinated till seed cracked

    Thanks, I'll definitely start smaller next time, and I never thought about the mold because the roots could not get the water.
  4. demonds1

    Should I help the sprout?

    It's looking way more healthier and it's growing its next pair of leaves now. Helping it out was the right thing to do :) Thanks KP2!:clap: **EDIT** Photo's attached.
  5. demonds1

    Germinated till seed cracked

    I was thinking the same thing about the root, I put in some more medium to cover the root. Critisism is good :) I want to see how it turns out in that pot first, as it's my first grow. Next grow I will try different containers, and better resources overall. -Demon_ds1
  6. demonds1

    Lighting question?

    I've heard that you can, altough it does'nt really go straight to flowering, it still veg's for a bit then flowers. I'm guessing the difference would be a smaller plant/yield.
  7. demonds1

    New To The Site

    Welcome! Your plant is looked mighty fine! Like Kriegs says. How old is it?
  8. demonds1

    Germinated till seed cracked

    Yeah I stopped using the bag a day ago now I think. I also had to help it get out of the husk, and remove that membrane around the leaves. This Has been a learning experience for me and I probably would have left the seed to die if I germed 10 seeds and wouldn't have learned much. Plus at the...
  9. demonds1

    Should I help the sprout?

    Hey everyone :) So far so good :) Here is a pic of it greenin up. I haven't put a dome over it as i'm using two cfl bulbs that are only 9 watts. They are only 550 lumens, and are 6500K. Once the sprout gets bigger i'll throw in my two other cfl's that are 27 watts. I lost the packet for them...
  10. demonds1

    Should I help the sprout?

    So remove the husk and rub that sack? That sounds so terribly wrong(naughty). And to make it worse I can't find any pics of anyone doing it to help. **EDIT** I upped two pics on how it is now. Should the leaves be so white?
  11. demonds1

    Should I help the sprout?

    Yes I put it under cfl's a few hours ago, and I placed my webcam with it, on timelapse! :D I mean it's not the end of the world if my sprout doesn't make it, but being my first time it would still mean a lot if my first seed lived :) muahaha, i just set it up so you can view the current...
  12. demonds1

    Should I help the sprout?

    I used two thumb tacks because I didn't have tweezers on me, and gently seperated the shell, the joint that was holding the halves together snapped, and i just left the shell on, so the sprout can get rid of it when it needs too. Hopefully I just didn't kill it, as it wasn't green in there. . . :(
  13. demonds1

    Should I help the sprout?

    I'll let it try for a couple more days then? If it's not off I should probably assist it then shouldn't I
  14. demonds1

    Should I help the sprout?

    Should I help my little sprout get that shell off? It's been above ground now for a day. (sorry my hands are too shaky for macro shots) Also when should I shove it under my cfl's? -Demon_ds1
  15. demonds1


    Yeah the new skin is way better looking than the old ones. So I'm just leaving mine on the new one for now :)
  16. demonds1

    Hi all

    Welcome! I'm pretty new here myself, and this is an awesome site for resources! -Demon_ds1
  17. demonds1

    newbie needs clarification on floro types plz

    Take a browse around the forums, there's a lot of pictures of everyones bulbs, try looking in the cfl grow category you'll more than likely find your information there. -Demon_ds1
  18. demonds1

    Stealthiest grow box?

    I received an old desk from my family. This has proved perfect so far. I just removed the drawers and made them look like fake drawers, my grow cabinet is inside the desk. It's light proof, and didn't cost me any money. Here's a pic of what it looks like, and i'll be posting the final results...
  19. demonds1

    Germinated till seed cracked

    **UPDATE** Here he/she is again, in the evening. These things grow fast :-P
  20. demonds1

    Germinated till seed cracked

    I think the top soil is mostly looking damp because I have a bag over the pot, maybe it's time to remove this? Also I took the picture in a pitch black room with flash so that probably didn't help. Also should I put it under light right away? I was thinking of waiting till the leaves open...