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  1. bignix642

    DWC now should I go to soil? Pics

    how big of airgap do between the bottom of the netpot and the water and how are your root coming along
  2. bignix642

    DWC now should I go to soil? Pics

    Dont worry it took almost 3 weeks befor mine started to grow steady. Mine were that size two week ago and now there about 8 time bigger. The biggest thing that ive learned growing is to let them grow on there own. Best of luck and please dont give up.
  3. bignix642

    First DWC + PICS

    1. 6 42w cfls and 6 26w cfls 2. 76 low 85 max no clue on rez but stays cold to the touch. 3. I used to do it once a week but when they stated to take more tha a gallon a day i just keep adding water and nutes but ill change it if i see the ph start to wonder. And thanks. Should i do a flush or...
  4. bignix642

    First DWC + PICS

    This is my second grow (first one was soil) first dwc. My seeds came from my last grow that was seed less except for one bud. So i used them and they been veging for 5 to 6 weeks. I've never top them but out of 3 plants i got one that started with three tops and one the has two and one just got...
  5. bignix642

    what time schedule for my air and water pumps on?

    24/7 with the air pump and im not sure but i beleave the water pump is on 24/7 ontill the roots hit the water but like i said im sure about the air pump. Good luck and keep on growin
  6. bignix642

    Technaflora & DWC ?

    Thank you guys for advice. So i take tha you guys go by the recipe but dilute it at first. I also noticed that theres two kit. I got the one with 500ml of BC grow, boost, and bloom, 125ml of thrive alive green and red, awsome blossoms, magical, and 250ml root 66 and sugar daddy. Now should use...
  7. bignix642

    Technaflora & DWC ?

    I got the recipe for success kit from technaflora and i was wondering if anyone has used tis kit and went by the book or made the own recipe. Looking at the direction it looks a little over kill. But this will be my first grow in a dwc and second grow all together. I am use a 10 gal tub with 4...
  8. bignix642

    aquarium ph kit

    i would like to know if its ok to use a aquarium ph kit to adjusted the ph in my dwc tub?
  9. bignix642

    Can i use aquarium ph kit

    can i use aquarium ph kit to adjusted the ph in my dwc tub?
  10. bignix642

    For those w/ males, don't lose hope!

    i put one male in a dark closet for three day and went kill it and it was a girl cut off the two or three sacs and now its my best plant six weeks into flower
  11. bignix642

    5 girls flowering under cfl's

    I keep the lights about 3" from the tops. I lifted them for the pics. Thank you i'm pretty happy with cfls.
  12. bignix642

    First CFL Grow Journal

    Heres the 4 i got left. One of them lost most of the fan leafs. It's still growing slowly. The other two seem to to be recovering ok (new bud growth). And my the one that i thought was a boy (late girl) hasn't been hurt and is doing good. They all have a great smell, fruity and kind of skunky.
  13. bignix642

    5 girls flowering under cfl's

    Heres the 4 i got left. One of them lost most of the fan leafs. It's still growing slowly. The other two seem to to be recovering ok (new bud growth). And my the one that i thought was a boy (late girl) hasn't been hurt and is doing good. They all have a great smell, fruity and kind of skunky.
  14. bignix642

    First CFL Grow Journal

    ive learned everything from this site. my best advice is to go to the FAQ page on this site then go to section 3 Grow methods and mediums then to Low Stress Training (LST). thats what i looked at and then i did my own version
  15. bignix642

    5 girls flowering under cfl's

    the way it happen the plant was fine and the next day it was like it was back feeding everything back to its root top down. if anyone can tell me what could have happen i would really be thankful? as for now i gave them a flush and am hoping for the best.
  16. bignix642

    Grow log from a 1st timer! Luv some help!

    take plastic wrap and wrap the sides of the pot it will probly hold water longer. and i love the ac idea but use a cooler for the resavore so you could add ice on the hot days. also that insulation will work but your going to want to seal it up good because you want to make a sealed air gap in...
  17. bignix642

    First CFL Grow Journal

    Saturday was the end of my 4 week. for some reason after i did my no nute water, 4 out of 5 plant stated to show some form of stress. so i flushed and lost 1 plant(early harvest 1 plant was died). now im down to 4, 3 are burnt from something and still cant figure it out and 1 is doing fine.
  18. bignix642

    5 girls flowering under cfl's

    Saturday was the end of my 4 week. for some reason after i did my no nute water, 4 out of 5 plant stated to show some form of stress. so i flushed and lost 1 plant(early harvest 1 plant was died). now im down to 4, 3 are burnt from something and still cant figure it out and 1 is doing fine.
  19. bignix642

    Please Help

    ok ive hit the bong and put on some eek a mouse and calmed down. yesterday i ran out of the rain water ive been using and used tap water and i think i overwatered so it could be a mix of overwatering and ph whats the best why to fix this.
  20. bignix642

    Please Help

    would over watering cause discoloration. im freaking out does anyone think they'll bunce back. it started at the top if it makes a difference.