Please Help


Well-Known Member
im almost 4 weeks into flower. my plants were good til today i did a normal watering yesterday. and i wake up today and 3 out of 5 plants look like this tell me what you think it is .



Well-Known Member
damn, those look like my plants after i bug bombed the house, it was like somethin had got on em , flush and let em sit for a while, that or you could have overwatered ya. but i couldnt tell ya


Well-Known Member
would over watering cause discoloration. im freaking out does anyone think they'll bunce back. it started at the top if it makes a difference.


Well-Known Member
check out the grow faqs man, they have pictures in there too. i never had a problem with overwatering, and idk if it would do that, you may have something else goin on other than what you're thinking, look into it first. check ur humidity, temps, how far or close the light is, the PH is a definant that u need to check, and ppms, and if you used nutes recently


Well-Known Member
ok ive hit the bong and put on some eek a mouse and calmed down. yesterday i ran out of the rain water ive been using and used tap water and i think i overwatered so it could be a mix of overwatering and ph whats the best why to fix this.


Well-Known Member
It looks more like they got hit with some serious over-fertilization or some type of contamination to me, as opposed to overwatering... my condolences. I agree that a proper flush and then letting the soil dry out is a good idea.