5 girls flowering under cfl's


Well-Known Member
Here is some pics of my girls of my girls 3 weeks into flower. Tell what you think. The pics are setup so there side then top. Im also going to try to keep this going for the rest of the grow.



Well-Known Member
I think all looks pretty well :hump: Keep up the posts and pics and you'll soon have an audience. Hows about giving us all the details about lights, soil, nutes etc...


Well-Known Member
They're bag seed. This is my first grow they are under 6 42w 6 26w and 4 23w cfls. They veged for a month. I think im going to get some ore lights soon for side lights. and i also have a journal on my sig up in till now. I didnt get much feedback so im stating this one.


Well-Known Member
looks nice man, congrats and good job of the CFL's, im growing 1 plant with 5 CFL's and am almost done flowering, thing looks good, Cfl's do the trick :D

Martian Farts

Active Member
still good...better than 50%

my first grow, i germinated like 50 seeds...i gave half the resulting seedlings to a buddy of mine after a month of veg, ready to flower, so we each had 25. out of all 50, 31 were female...i got 6 females. lol thats right, my buddy inhereted 25 females ready to flower...i got 6. what the hell kinda BS is that?? and he didnt even let me smoke one bowl of the bud he got from it, despite that i gave him a free eighth of the bud i got, so he could try it. gotta love some of the things we call humans huh???


Well-Known Member
My last grow i had 6 plants vegeg one and a half moths and got 6 males now shit luck. And your friend is a a hole

Martian Farts

Active Member
yea i know...but to make me feel a little better, he harvested way to early so all the stuff he had tasted like plant matter, and the high so fleeting you couldve imagined it lol


Well-Known Member
Saturday was the end of my 4 week. for some reason after i did my no nute water, 4 out of 5 plant stated to show some form of stress. so i flushed and lost 1 plant(early harvest 1 plant was died). now im down to 4, 3 are burnt from something and still cant figure it out and 1 is doing fine.



Well-Known Member
the way it happen the plant was fine and the next day it was like it was back feeding everything back to its root top down. if anyone can tell me what could have happen i would really be thankful? as for now i gave them a flush and am hoping for the best.


Well-Known Member
Heres the 4 i got left. One of them lost most of the fan leafs. It's still growing slowly. The other two seem to to be recovering ok (new bud growth). And my the one that i thought was a boy (late girl) hasn't been hurt and is doing good. They all have a great smell, fruity and kind of skunky.


grow space

Well-Known Member
yo man-sorry about your loss.you should really get those lights much close cas you know those cfl-s has a low pene. limit.
but nice plants still and exellent results 4 cfl-s.
keep up the good work....


Well-Known Member
I keep the lights about 3" from the tops. I lifted them for the pics. Thank you i'm pretty happy with cfls.