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  1. G

    7/7 Hermies :(

    Does that mean if I was to harvest soon, before they start dusting my house, or in like a month. I wouldn't mind turning a bunch of hash or edibles from whats going to be seeded. I still have to wait two days to buy the Reverse since the grow shop is closed for the holiday. I am looking...
  2. G

    7/7 Hermies :(

    The pics weren't of the little bananas, just general pics of the medicine. The male flowers are kind of in smaller clusters scattered about.underneath some of the buds.
  3. G

    How many & How much?

    Just experience from my first grow, in a 4X4 tent with a 600 watter, I vegged Silver Haze for 20 days from clone, and started 12/12 at about 10" they shot up to 26 or 27" and completely filled out the tent to where they are pressed against each other and blocking light to the lower branches. I...
  4. G

    7/7 Hermies :(

    Durn grow shop is closed for the Holiday weekend! I have to wait until Monday to get the Dutch Master :sad:
  5. G

    Jack the Ripper and Pandora's Box looking slightly goofy!

    Good idea, thank you. I just went to the grow shop and they are closed till the second, so I need to wait on it. I just watered them two days ago and they are pretty wet still anyway. Hope that works. Though this plant could be a runt, though I'm not sure if that happens or not in plants...
  6. G

    Jack the Ripper and Pandora's Box looking slightly goofy!

    I should have probably posted this in TGA/subcool's subforum in Organics, but I figure General Growing gets more views.
  7. G

    Jack the Ripper and Pandora's Box looking slightly goofy!

    I use Flagstaff, Az tap water. It comes from a limestone aquifier 2000 ft below me. I havent ppm'd it, but Flagstaff water dept says the ppm ranges from 50 to 250 on there website depending where you are in the city, Ph is about 8.0. I let the water bubble with an aerator for 24 hours before...
  8. G

    Jack the Ripper and Pandora's Box looking slightly goofy!

    All these plants are vegging under a four foot eight bulb T5 with 6500k tubes. I planted three Jack the Ripper seeds from TGA on 11-28 in Solo cups then transfered them after two weeks above ground to 10 gallon Roots Organic soil bags. Two look like healthy little plants, one however has...
  9. G

    7/7 Hermies :(

    Speaking of flashes, the first few days that I had my 600 watter (I got it off Craigslist with the tent and cool tube, obviously from an all in one box kit, the guy said he used it for only one grow and everything was clean and organized) the light would flick off for ten seconds at a time...
  10. G

    7/7 Hermies :(

    I wondered that myself KidneyStoner. It would seem that moon light and passing cars and such would affect all plants. The light leaks were definitely consistent. At least now I can give a good review of DM Reverse. Not exactly like I have planned though and I'm kind of anal about any project...
  11. G

    7/7 Hermies :(

    Thanks for the quick responses. The light leaks consist of about an inch by half inch gap between the zippers at the top of the front door, and what is coming through my ducting. Though I have tried to insulate the flexble mylar ducting by covering it with some old black T-shirts, where it...
  12. G

    7/7 Hermies :(

    Seven out of seven Silver Haze females that were taken as clones off another female Silver Haze, have today on day 32 of flower, developed male flowers, on my medicinal grow. They probably developed earlier, being that every plant had them in variying amounts, and stages. Some have just a...