How many & How much?


Active Member
How many plants would you recommend under a 600 watt hps. Let's assume the plants were vegged 30 days. Also what wuld you expect the yield to be?(I know yield will vary by strain so please just a ball park figure)


Well-Known Member
you say plants, clones and seedlings are much difference growth in 30 days. I believe a 600 hps can cover an area of 3x3 to 4x4. So depending on the size of the pots. I think ten plants would be a safe guess.


Active Member
Stonerman you made a great point thank you! let me add another variable let's say they are in 5 gallon buckets.thanx everyone for the fast replys!


Well-Known Member
Well if your talking 5 gallon buckets, that's a nice amount of space for plants roots to grow. You could veg for a lot longer then 30 days if you wanted to, thus bigger plants. With a 600 hps, maybe you should go with nine plants. nine buckets placed in a square, 3 buckets long 3 buckets wide kinda thing. You would probably only be using up an area of 3.5 feet x 3.5 feet. And you could veg those plants for probably at least couple months before setting them into flower. And as far as yeild goes, thats a BIG variable, but anytime I try to anticipate yeild I usually aim for at least 1 ounce per plant. But yeild depends on size of plants, and the longer you veg the bigger the yeild. hope that helps.


Just experience from my first grow, in a 4X4 tent with a 600 watter, I vegged Silver Haze for 20 days from clone, and started 12/12 at about 10" they shot up to 26 or 27" and completely filled out the tent to where they are pressed against each other and blocking light to the lower branches. I have seven plants and think 5 would be my limit if I repeat this set up. Maybe even four and let them get a ton of light. Though must say every one has gone hermie as of day 32 :(


New Member
I use a 2 gal hempy 25 site sog , the footprints are just under 46" x 46"
With the right strains you can get some awesome yields.
My 02


Well-Known Member
it all depends on yr canopy size. if yr growing in a 3x3, or 4x4, you can fill that canopy space with 1 plant or a number of plants. yield is based on canopy size, not the number of plants.