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  1. G

    Get the Word Out?

    Yeah that would be great if it wasn't illegal, because very few people are going to be legal to grow when the dispensaries open. 25 mile radius's form really big circles where you will be sent to prison if you grow. One dispensary in each big town will fuck almost everyone in the state. Here...
  2. G

    Dispensaries win! Dispensaries win!

    Now is the time to go to your city council meeting and tell them that you don't want dispensaries in your town. If some lowlife trys to open one then we need to get them shut down for any violation. The people that operate dispensaries are mostly a bunch of thugs. I've been to a bunch in...
  3. G

    Dispensaries win! Dispensaries win!

    What has a dispensary owner ever done? They are no different then a used car dealer. Every last one is just in it for the money. Fuck them they want to steal your right to grow, so they can charge you 300 bucks an ounce why would you want that? They do nothing for you except let you be a...
  4. G

    Dispensaries win! Dispensaries win!

    Fuck dispensary owners, they want to make a profit while the rest of us are going to be felons fuck those fucking fucks, get rid of the 25 mile rule. Dispensary owners are the shitheads that the rest of us can shit on. We are the fiefs of the fiefdom those guys are the Cheneys that want to butt...
  5. G

    A plea to the AZ-MMJ community.

    Thats what I like to see, thanks Great Dictator!
  6. G

    What all can i do with the trimmings, what can i make from them?

    DUDE YOU WILL FUCKING GO BLIND IF YOU DRINK THIS!!!!! I know your talking about making hash, but this warning needs to be here. I bet there are plenty of people who don't know this is bad for you. Isopropyl is seriously bad news if you drink it!!! Use Everclear if you want to make an...
  7. G

    Now What Are We Going to do About the 25 Mile Rule.

    That really sucks. As patients though one option we have, if some absolute piece of shit greedy profiteering scumbag, opens a dispensary, is to try to get their liscense revoked. They are knowingly going to cause every patient cultivating their own to face felony cultivation charges if they...
  8. G

    A plea to the AZ-MMJ community.

    So as a true collective, if someone was to join then they could grow and add their crop to the supply that is available to all members, like a true collective? Or are only a few select members allowed to produce medicine for the other members? If so, what assurances do members have that the...
  9. G

    Culled plant, Reuse soil, or add to yard?

    I was worried that whatever was wrong with the plant could have screwed up the soil. I will try planting a few clones in it that I am just cutting to determine sex of the remaining plants. If the clones do fine. Then that will be a good test for the soil not being tainted, I assume. Thanks...
  10. G

    T5-ho zonie style

    New Years was fun downtown, went to a good heady party, consumed some tainted Rice Krispy Treats. Then went downtown for the pine cone drop. It was insanely crowded under the cone. Thought I was going to be smushed. Funny thing people were packed so tight, and a randome friend of mine ended...
  11. G

    Question about being a Caregiver

    If you love West Virginia, I would have to add "Take Me Home Country Roads," by J. Denver. Thought that I wouldn't like the east coast, but I did 1350 miles on the Appalachian trail last summer break and got to say, other then some scary medical marijuana sentences, it's awesome.
  12. G

    T5-ho zonie style

    50º and sunny, though windy. Maybe I'll go up to the Snowbowl tomorrow if it isn't super windy. The weather is always perfect up here.
  13. G

    Question about being a Caregiver

    I've read the law several times, and I see the 2.5 oz limit as the maximum amount that a dispensary is allowed to sell you every two weeks. I was wondering about if you cultivated it yourself. I couldn't find anywhere in the law where it mentions that you can't have more then 2.5 oz if you...
  14. G

    Question about being a Caregiver

    California has definitely got the love. AZ is pretty much a racist state, that has elected officials, like our piece of shit governor Jan Brewer, who want to strike down Medical growers. As soon as dispensaries are allowed to open, most of the states population of patient card holders, will be...
  15. G

    T5-ho zonie style

    Flagstaff checking in. Thanks for bringing out a good T5 thread. I veg under a eight bulb, four footer, and love the results. Now I just need to replace the bulbs that it came with, with some of the UVL's. I read the better then LED thread, which had awesome info over Thanksgiving weekend...
  16. G

    Culled plant, Reuse soil, or add to yard?

    I culled a Jack the Ripper today that was planted 11-28 then transplanted 12-17 into a 10 gallon bag of Roots Organic soil. It looked horrible compared to my other two JTR's and didnt see this plant getting better. Now the question is can I reuse that dirt, or should I just toss it into the...
  17. G

    Jack the Ripper and Pandora's Box looking slightly goofy!; repost from General Forum

    Should I just chop the Jack the Ripper that looks screwy? It's a month old now, I don't know if this will recover at all, or if it does recover, switch to hermie or something else strange. I have two more JTR seeds that I can plant.
  18. G

    Jack the Ripper and Pandora's Box looking slightly goofy!; repost from General Forum

    Wow copying and pasting really screwed up the formatting of the page!
  19. G

    Jack the Ripper and Pandora's Box looking slightly goofy!; repost from General Forum

    Jack the Ripper and Pandora's Box looking slightly goofy!-I posted this thread in the General Cultivation forum, but only got one reply which said that I should water with distilled water with a Cal - Mag additive, before this post was pushed pages back. Just wondering what the best advice is...
  20. G

    It's been a slippery slope, but things are starting to go my way...

    I had an overnight explosion, but I blame it on the festivities, Happy New Year!:dunce: