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  1. davemeradith

    Nirvana Seed Bank

    has ne1 here grown the ak48s from nirvana? im 2 weeks into plant on fri n im only at like 1.5" tall n my 2 starter leaves (round) havnt fallen off n i got 2 sets of lil fan leaves... im jw cuz i no they spose to b small (space was an issue so i got these) but i heard they finish quick 2! so even...
  2. davemeradith

    How long till it will start growing more leaves?

    bump same grow space 2 plants only 1 big 200w CFL w. reflector 2 weeks on fri. n its 2 rounded leaves havnt fallen off 2 decent fan leaves n 2 small 1s ive posted pics n asked help only to hear move lamp closer water more watch ph n b patient (with no success might i add) so im jus hoping i jus...
  3. davemeradith

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    planted on fri march 18th... think ive been underwatern cuz they seem small for 10 days so im tryn to keep it more wet i was jus scared of overwatern since i heard it was easiest noob mistake so hopefully my plants can recover from a lil drought? plz lemme no wut u thnk thnx
  4. davemeradith

    planted 2 ak48 friday...impatient noob...

    ok so heres some newer pics i planted on fri march 18th been watern a lot more n still implementn the mistn technique and growth seems to b pickn back up... center 2 fan leaves seem to finally b sproutn up n out from base 2? lemme no wut yall thnk i hope its a recovery
  5. davemeradith

    planted 2 ak48 friday...impatient noob...

    ya i gave em a fuckload of water yest n sum today n was mistn n they seem to b doin better honestly so hopefully i jus wasnt watern enuff... better than overwatern tho isnt it...? neways i heard its not good to mist can actually hurt unless u do it durn dark time (ive been doin it the hole time...
  6. davemeradith

    vegetation 24/24 light!

    ive been on 18/6 for a week can i switch to 24/0? yall convinced me but its my 1st grow n im already havn sum growth trouble(after a week only 1" tall with 1st set of fan leaves 2nd set have been tryn to pull thru for a couple days...)so i dont wana mess em up more is switchn smart? or save it...
  7. davemeradith

    planted 2 ak48 friday...impatient noob...

    no sir ive watered em like 3 times so far i was jus thnkn maybe im not givn em enuff water cuz soils dry i jus figured so young n small u dont wana overwater n my 200w cfl on 2 lil plants is plenty light so i watered em agen this morn n im gonna watch em... but 1 week in with 1 set of leaves is...
  8. davemeradith

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    both ak48s bout 1" tall after a week been a couple days w.out ne growth under a 200w CFL n has lil white residue on leaves gessn a lil mold... wood that stunt my growth this much n how to fix? it is my 1st grow perhaps im jus impatient jus thot theyd b bigger by now plz help thnx RIU
  9. davemeradith

    planted 2 ak48 friday...impatient noob...

    ok so they look exactly the same as wen i posted last pics... am i doin sumpn rong er is a week still a lil early to b expectn more than 1st set of leaves n 1" tall?
  10. davemeradith

    Take a look

    i have 2 plants a week old from plant but still only at an inch tall both have a lil white residue... moisture problem? ive only watered like 3 times shood i b more frequent? this is my 1st closet grow ive got a fan on it and checkn ph havnt started nutes yet so wondern y so small... thnx for...
  11. davemeradith

    planted 2 ak48 friday...impatient noob...

    saw ur journal matt fuckn awesome i need a guide of some sort this bein my 1st grow n all + u have ak48 from nirvana 2 i added soil for support like u sed i planted on the 18th so its almost been a week but ive been waitn to use nutes (botanicare btw) if i drop n a hangn regular lil cfl on each...
  12. davemeradith

    planted 2 ak48 friday...impatient noob...

    i was gon drop n a cfl on each side of reflector wen they get taller to get light to sides of plant wood that then be enough? im only lookn to veg til round a ft neway cant grow monsters cuz of livn situation ne more input wood b nice thnx
  13. davemeradith

    planted 2 ak48 friday...impatient noob...

    they lookn ight? got em on 18/6 w. fan n i do light intermediate watering right now... wen can i gradual make the move nto usn nutes? n how big b4 i can water till runoff? sum1 also mentioned adding n inch more of soil jus up to leaves then let grow from there? ne n all input/advice/suggestions...
  14. davemeradith

    First Grow- Check pics lemme no wut u think

    srry if i mislead with my ? sum1 sed topping the seedling with soil up til it touches the first 2 flowers i dint mean actually topping them for a clone or such has ne1 heard of this process n is it necessary/helpful/beneficial?
  15. davemeradith

    First Grow- Check pics lemme no wut u think

    so wut bout the runoff with the mesh pop up containers? ne1 heard of the topping soil up to plants 1st leaves either? n will these pots b big enuff to flower n? n small place only tryn to get 2.5-3' tall
  16. davemeradith

    First Grow- Check pics lemme no wut u think

    another quick ? i have the pop mesh material containers as u can c wen i do water those to runoff will it literally runoff the sides thru mesh or will it jus gather ar bottom of saucers? ive jus watered em pretty good once since theyve only ben n since fri but there was no runoff n theres still...
  17. davemeradith

    First Grow- Check pics lemme no wut u think

    how they look? only a couple of days n soil but stems look purple/red wondern if thats a problem? n i havnt watered it til the point of runoff yet cuz evry1 ses wait 4-5 days til soil drys then water it well... but the soil is gettn dry n i dont wana stress em from not enuff... n at the same...
  18. davemeradith

    First timer, questions, HELP ME OUT GUYS!

    2 ak48s only n soil for 2 days now n its my 1st grow i havnt watered it heavily til runoff once jus enough where soil was moist for seed growth n mist it with a spray bottle the soil is gettn pretty dry n evry1 keeps sayn let it dry for 4-5 days before a real good water with runoff how long...
  19. davemeradith

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    theyve only been n soil for a lil over a day n ive been watern em frequently if i leave them for 4-5 days then check shood they still b ok? or did i already fuck my plants up?!
  20. davemeradith

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    see but i have been watering in small amts frequently... r u saying thats bad? or is it ok since they young but ince they mature then i can let it go longer w.out water but give it greater amts.? im srry man im jus really tryn to learn as much as i can n not ruin my plants