planted 2 ak48 friday...impatient noob...

they lookn ight? got em on 18/6 w. fan n i do light intermediate watering right now... wen can i gradual make the move nto usn nutes? n how big b4 i can water till runoff? sum1 also mentioned adding n inch more of soil jus up to leaves then let grow from there? ne n all input/advice/suggestions wood b very helpful besides the ?s i asked thnx RIU


New Member
They look like they're stretching a little, try to get the light closer.
And i feel you, waiting to get my damn paycheck so i can buy some seeds.
Waiting sucks :<


Well-Known Member
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they lookn ight? got em on 18/6 w. fan n i do light intermediate watering right now... wen can i gradual make the move nto usn nutes? n how big b4 i can water till runoff? sum1 also mentioned adding n inch more of soil jus up to leaves then let grow from there? ne n all input/advice/suggestions wood b very helpful besides the ?s i asked thnx RIU
Saturate the medium, past run off. Compress it a bit with your fingertips.

Leave it alone till it dries out, Several days at least. I would say 5 or so, but that's a big azzzed cfl. LOL

Don't even think about nutes for a couple/three weeks.



Well-Known Member
Hey Dave! I planted 3 AK48's last tuesday, yours are lookin great! mine looked exactly like your a few day ago! arent they beautiful?! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Looking good! nice job with the cfl but you're gonna need add more light eventually!! Water them every 4 or 5 days until the soil completely dries, don't think about nutes for at least 4 weeks and if you want to add more soil wait a couple of weeks!!!
i was gon drop n a cfl on each side of reflector wen they get taller to get light to sides of plant wood that then be enough? im only lookn to veg til round a ft neway cant grow monsters cuz of livn situation ne more input wood b nice thnx


Active Member
This is what I would do, as I am growing some AK48 right now (mine r on day 33 of flower) You can add some soil now and it wont hurt anything (just add enough to support the stem a bit more. You will have to add more light at some point if your growing to grow two plants. I can tell you that mine were 10"-11" when I started the 12/12 cycle and they are now 26" +, these seem to strech quite a bit during flower....something you might need to think about if space is an issue. I am unsure as to what kind of soil your using, but I would wait atleast 2 weeks before giving them anything, I use the Fox farms products (grow big, big bloom, and Tiger bloom) and mine seem to love it. You can go check out my grow journal on my AK's, maybe you will find some of the info helpfull. I just updated it yesterday. Good luck and enjoy the growing.

saw ur journal matt fuckn awesome i need a guide of some sort this bein my 1st grow n all + u have ak48 from nirvana 2 i added soil for support like u sed i planted on the 18th so its almost been a week but ive been waitn to use nutes (botanicare btw) if i drop n a hangn regular lil cfl on each side of my reflector u thnk thatll b good for em? n ya im n a closet so i guess height isnt really limited but i dont wana exceed full growth of 3' cuz of lack of light n smell wood b bad for apt... do they stink like crazy er wut i no imma have 2 deal with smell 2 thnx for help hope for more replys soon


Active Member
Mine are just now starting to get a little stinky, I dont think they will get real stinky until the last few weeks of might want to stock up n some scented candles or something...LOL If you want to keep them short you can LST or top them or what I like Supercropping, I also like the Uncle Bens topping method as you can do that and suppercrop too (you can research that on this site) you will need to plan on them doubling in size once flowering starts. The AK's seem to be very easy to grow and take well to feedings (just remember to start nutes at 1/2 strenghth and see how they react, also make sure and not to overwater, as I think thats a big mistake for first timers. I think the light you have now will be fine for the next several weeks, but once you start flowering I think you might have to add a few more CFL's, just keep an eyes them......if they start to get lanky and thin, then get more lights. Hope this helps and if you have any issues just send me a message and I will try to help you out the best I can. Stlmatt
ok so they look exactly the same as wen i posted last pics... am i doin sumpn rong er is a week still a lil early to b expectn more than 1st set of leaves n 1" tall?
no sir ive watered em like 3 times so far i was jus thnkn maybe im not givn em enuff water cuz soils dry i jus figured so young n small u dont wana overwater n my 200w cfl on 2 lil plants is plenty light so i watered em agen this morn n im gonna watch em... but 1 week in with 1 set of leaves is disappointn for ur 1st grow... especially cuz idk if they dead!


Active Member
Well if you put a little more soil around them to help support the stem, they could be a little shocked as they are trying to grow more roots from newly covered stem.(they will grow roots from the section you covered,a good thing) I would use a spray bottle and give them a good heavy misting a few times per day, also mist the top of the soil and try to keep it from getting bone dry. Do you know what your RH% is where they are located? Seedlings like 80+% humidity, I use a humidity dome for the first week or two and only really water with a misting bottle. If they are still green and the leaves are not drooping i think you will be ok......give it a few more days and keep a close eye for any new growth, if you dont get any new growth in the next several days.......they might be in trouble:( Keep us posted if things change



Well-Known Member
yeah they should probably be a little bigger by now but dont worry they will grow just gotta be paitient
ya i gave em a fuckload of water yest n sum today n was mistn n they seem to b doin better honestly so hopefully i jus wasnt watern enuff... better than overwatern tho isnt it...? neways i heard its not good to mist can actually hurt unless u do it durn dark time (ive been doin it the hole time but sum1 sed thats the reason i have white residue on plants so shood i stop)? thnx for help every1 keep it comn ill post pics n a bit


Active Member
When misting with plain water i do it when the light is on and off (but just an hour or so before light is to come on), as long as temps are ok and you have pleanty of air movement you will be fine, your mildew might be because of lack of air flow. I do stop misting a few weeks into flowering..

ok so heres some newer pics i planted on fri march 18th been watern a lot more n still implementn the mistn technique and growth seems to b pickn back up... center 2 fan leaves seem to finally b sproutn up n out from base 2? lemme no wut yall thnk i hope its a recovery