First Grow- Check pics lemme no wut u think

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how they look? only a couple of days n soil but stems look purple/red wondern if thats a problem? n i havnt watered it til the point of runoff yet cuz evry1 ses wait 4-5 days til soil drys then water it well... but the soil is gettn dry n i dont wana stress em from not enuff... n at the same time i dont wana water n give em root rot... is there som sorta medium er am i jus stressn 2 much? all advice is appreciated RIU thnx guys


Well-Known Member
i miss being a virgin to growing. the soil looks pretty moist i wouldnt worry about watering them. seedlings where always the scariest part about growing to me and still are. i really hate dealing with them they are like children, keep you up all night stressing.
another quick ? i have the pop mesh material containers as u can c wen i do water those to runoff will it literally runoff the sides thru mesh or will it jus gather ar bottom of saucers? ive jus watered em pretty good once since theyve only ben n since fri but there was no runoff n theres still nuthn n my saucer? do i jus not water it enuff then or is it dryn up 2 fast er am i jus a noob who dont no shit n is paranoid not even a week nto his 1st grow cuz he dont wana fuck up n he wants a crazy yield of some crazy dank? prolly last 1 but hell i need all the advice i can get n bet ill b back everytime im stressn


Active Member
Really what I would do is barry the stem to them first little leaves. But thats me. To me it looks to tall and will fall over. But Im also on my first grow. But thats what I did.



Active Member
...I remember my first grow. I was paranoid about everything. Why color changed, why leaves curl, OMG is there enough water, oh sh1t the nutes, my pH!!!! WAITTT I'm still paranoid!!!
so wut bout the runoff with the mesh pop up containers? ne1 heard of the topping soil up to plants 1st leaves either? n will these pots b big enuff to flower n? n small place only tryn to get 2.5-3' tall


Active Member
I have read that you should never leave the pot in the water that runs off the plant, maybe someone can confirm this. maybe there are holes in the plastic i cant see. but thats what I was told.


Active Member
..I'd top after the first leaves or even much later. young seedlings do not require much nutes until week 2-3 what you have in the soil is enough until they get bigger. even then they'll let you know what they really need (showing symptoms)... just water them every so often...

...on the pot size depends on what you want, smaller pots = smaller yields, and there isn't a limit to size container (just how long you want to wait)...


...theoretically, 2.5 to 3 feet is fine for the size you currently have...


Active Member
i topped the soil but not to first leaves though, i gave em about another inch.
try to keep it as simple as possible and write anything you do to them or give them down so you have a record of what you've done and when , it will possibly make it easier to diagnose problems later on.
having not yet grown anything to maturity (im not far away) my advice is limited but like a friend told me just relax and enjoy watching them grow :)
srry if i mislead with my ? sum1 sed topping the seedling with soil up til it touches the first 2 flowers i dint mean actually topping them for a clone or such has ne1 heard of this process n is it necessary/helpful/beneficial?