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  1. K

    I <3 dwc!!!

    Yes some of AN are a little high. There 2 part system is right on par with other main nutrient companys. I paid $12 for each part. Which was pretty cheap I thought. I have a another 400 watt light thats a MH and was wondering if it would be worth the extra power bill to run it. Right now I have...
  2. K

    2nd Grow DWC Journal

    Looks good bro! I can't wait to see it start budding. What are you using for nutrients?
  3. K

    I <3 dwc!!!

    ITS SOO EASY!!AND IM really HIGH RIGHT NOW!! I'm not sure why anyone would want to mess around with dirt. Now I have been thinking of trying areoponic is that really the best? how does it compare to DWC? I'm on my second grow and can't believe how easy this has become. I switched to...
  4. K

    Using a fogger to take clones, roots in 5 days.

    That's awesome man! Im using rapid rooters right now and ya it does suck waiting.
  5. K

    White castle harvested with pics!

    Just completed my first grow off white castle! I must say this is the best high I have ever had. Its very clear headed makes me want to run around. The smell is super sweet does not smell like bud at all. This is strain is very very hardy. Its great for first time growers. I couldn't believe...
  6. K

    Girl turned to hermi 7th week of flowering cut now or wait?

    My baby girl is growing ball sacs I have only seen a couple now its 7th week of flowering.... This is my first grow this plant has some crazy genes, out grew every plant in my grow room and is triple the size of any of my other plants. I know Im going to have over a 10 ounnces wet bud so what...
  7. K

    Where to buy inline fans besides expensive hydro stores?

    Don't waste your time with inline fans at lowes. I made that mistake. I ended up buying 1 true online fan to replace four 4 cheap duct boosters from lowes.
  8. K

    Running a set-up from 1 socket

    Right now im running 2x400 watt lights. 1 4" inch inline fan 1" six inch inline fan. 1 cheap 6" duct booster fan. 1 pistion type air pump. 2 cheap walmart air pumps and 6 27watt cfls along with 2 fish water pumps. Some how i don't blow circits from one outlet.
  9. K

    waterfarm 8 pack vs building DWC 5 gal buckets

    Dwc all the way bro! So easy even a cave man can do it.
  10. K

    What lights to use during flowering?

    I would do 1 HPS and one MH thats what Im doing right now and my plants seem to be loving it.
  11. K

    Bleach instead of H2o2

    Alright someone was saying 7-8 drops per gallon in a few pages back in this thread. 7-8 drops is a big jump from 1-2 drops. Cany anyone confirm the correct number?
  12. K

    Bleach instead of H2o2

    When you guys say "bleach" you guys are talking about the stuff we do laundry with correct? Its not some commerical growing bleach or a special bleach I need to buy. I can use the same bleach from my laundry room?
  13. K

    600 ppm during 4th week of flowering to little?

    Alright thanks guys. I just always heard use about half nurtients of what the back of the bottle says, I feel pretty confident they will do okay and a higher ppm. So I will go ahead and jump it up a bit, now that my plants are stable and growing great.
  14. K

    600 ppm during 4th week of flowering to little?

    I'm growing White widow and white castle, Right now Im at 600 ppm of nutrients. I feel like I have a pretty big safety window from nutrient burn. I hear about people being at 1000-1500 ppm durning flowering. My plants are 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall. Would it be safe enough to jump that ppm up to...
  15. K

    Video and close up pics of girls 2 weeks into flower, white widow and white castle

    Thanks! Yes true true you do learn from your mistakes... Just seems DWC is easy to fix my mistakes. ha
  16. K

    Video and close up pics of girls 2 weeks into flower, white widow and white castle

    This is my first grow. I started with 10 seeds and ended up killing 6 of them. I started in soil and made every noob mistake possible lol... I then transplanted my 4 seedlings into DWC only because I hated not having control of whats going on and not being able to fix my mistakes quickly...
  17. K

    growing to fast! help

    Alright thanks guys. Topping is out of the question I would lose so much bud. Looks like LST
  18. K

    growing to fast! help

    One of my girls is growing way to fast and will be hitting the top of my tent in about a week or 2. I have about a foot left. She has already reached my light which is a cool tube so she can get as close as she wants, I have it hanging as high as possible. I just started week 3 of flowering...