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  1. K

    Hydroponic aint that damn hard ppl!!

    I agree! I started a my grow in soil. and after loosing 6 of girls adn them being stunted and burned and over watered. I decided to make the swap over to hydro. I even transplanted my last 4 girls from soil to water. I will never look back its SOOO MUCH EASYER!!! you don't have to worrie about...
  2. K

    Idea on cooling my res temps, what do you think.

    Yeah what type of pump are you running in your res? If its a giant one thats way over rated for what your using then swap it out. How many watts is it using? Thats your best bet that will get yout 2-3 degree's right off the back. Get a pump maybe pushing 40-50 gph depending on what your using it...
  3. K

    Idea on cooling my res temps, what do you think.

    Find the cheapest heater core for a car you can. Mount up a fan to it. Get a pump. Make sure the heatercore is new and doesn't have anti freeze in it. Or get one of those Water cooling systems for computers CPU's and make something out of that.
  4. K

    Advance nutrients budblood does anyone use it?

    I just bought a little bag. Pretty much if you mix 1 gram with 1 litter of water it will raise your ppm up 200 thats a normal dose. It stayed true that. I did about 3/4 of a dose. My ppm went up 150. So far my plants love it! I have only been using it for 3 days. Today Im seeing little hairs...
  5. K

    Was about to get a good deal on some clones tell...

    I had a deal set up on some clones to buy local. I was really excited, I was going to get some sour diesels and super lemon skunk. The seller wants me to have my MMJ card. In order to make it legit. I know where he is coming from but I dont have yet.. sigh... sucks. I wont have it for another 4...
  6. K

    Where else are you guys hanging out when your not here?

    I feel like Im spending to much time in these forums. Just wondering if there are any other good hang out spots that have some good articals to read. Learn more about growing or learn about anything.
  7. K

    choice of two systems

    Do a DWC units and just make it your self. So easy even a cave man could do it. Or you can buy them off ebay for cheap. Or you can get some really nice ones ether way they all work the same. I'm really enjoying my DWC units and will never go back to dirt again. This is sooo much easy to grow in...
  8. K

    My seedling has wilted please help

    I would use less nurtrients. ITs soooo easy to over nutrient a seedling. Yes you will need to keep watering your rockwool as many as needed a day. Letting it it almost dry out is good keep doing that just don't let it sit dry. I get a syring and water my rock wool with 6mL of water thats hardly...
  9. K

    Nutrients for Hydro

    Im using general hydroponics 3 part system. So easy a cave man could do it. Im seeing awesome results. They have a feeding chart for seedlings and small growth, medium growth and heavy growth. Im about to buy some of there other nutrients just cause Im having such great results.
  10. K

    Finish the sentence above you!

    Luring small children into my garage with free candy. I like to stand on one leg while I....
  11. K

    Chicken Pot Pie!

    yo yo yo yo yo
  12. K

    Hottest Bikini or Clothed pics!!!!

    yeah bro Im not even kidding. My g/f is trying to be a model, like every girls dream. Here's some normal not model pictures of her?
  13. K

    Hottest Bikini or Clothed pics!!!!

    My g/f she's 19
  14. K

    best bud ever!

    I smoked some northern lights that was the brightess green bud I have ever seen. It was suppose to be from alaska (ya right!) Any ways it pretty much messed my world up along with 6 of my friends. we only got 2 hits in. It was intense and was making everything pulse.
  15. K

    Do my plants look droopy or am I just tripping? Pics inside

    Sweeet thanks. I bumped my ppm up to 250 with nurtients. Im seeing alot of root growth. My plants are looking a little better. I think they should be okay with 250 ppm because of there size.
  16. K

    best bud ever!

  17. K

    Chicken Pot Pie!

    My Three Favorite things! MMMmmmmmm! + + =
  18. K

    Do my plants look droopy or am I just tripping? Pics inside

    I just transplanted my girls into a DWC 3 days ago. I'm seeing new growth on them. Along with new root growth. They seem a little droopy and its concerning me? Is this over watering? or is this how they look when you grow them in DWC from all the water. For nuts Im using gerneral...
  19. K

    Fox Farm liquid soil formula

    I used the same thing as you ocean forest with there 3 pack. DO NOT USE ANY ferts for the first month. Trust me I had 10 plants now Im down to 4. I used 1/5 the normal dose around week one and that was way to much I guess. That soil has plenty of Ferts in it. Learn from my mistake.