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  1. S

    LED/CFL grow in process

    I have been doing some google action and looking for some help from people with experience. not just opinions. I have 5 plants(northern lights clones) about a foot tall and just cut the lights a few days ago. I am running a 180 watt ufo with mixed color spectrum in the middle and also have...
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    looking for some help with clones

    you could try copy and paste instead
  3. S

    looking for some help with clones

    no and no but i was thinking of doing the clone gel
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    looking for some help with clones

    I got a very simple grow closet. Im very busy these days so dont have much time to baby my plants. So when i take a cut its usually 3" to 4" long . Then I put it into some rockwool cubes and keep them moist under a cfl light. So this is how ive done it before and usually only 50 percent make it...
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    is it time to cut the lights or go bigger ???

    so im thinking im going to cut the light this weekend but now im worried about the pot size ??? should i of gone to maybe a 3 gallon or should 2 gallon be ok if i cut the lights now ???
  6. S

    is it time to cut the lights or go bigger ???

    i have an area of 3' x 3' with 5 plants in 2 gallon pots. running aprox 300 watts of cfls with 180 watt led. My northern lights are aprox 9 to 10" tall right now and looking very healthy. With the space i have i dont want to wait to much longer and have the plants get to big for the area...
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    how much should i should i get per plant ???

    I have experience with hps but it was about 20 years ago so im just experimenting right now. Its a hobby not a job
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    how much should i should i get per plant ???

    im good with the 10
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    how much should i should i get per plant ???

    lol....yea I know dumb was stoned
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    how much should i should i get per plant ???

    I realize this could be one of the tougher question I have asked but I have 5 plants(clones) very healthy looking range from 8" to 9" tall. running 180 watt led with 300 watts of 2700k cfls because they are in a space of 3'x3' I don't want them to get too big so im thinking of going to 12 hours...
  11. S

    top leafs pointing straight this a problem ?

    Hi I have 5 clones going now for about 2 1/2 weeks. They are about 8 to 9 inches tall and overall look pretty healthy. a couple bottom leafs have some slightly yellow edges but overall look pretty nice. The top leafs are pointing straight up. my light source is a 180 watt led with aprox 300...
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    Questions regarding fertilizing in flowering stage

    im using fox farms ocean potting soil
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    Questions regarding fertilizing in flowering stage

    I was told by the guys at the hydro store told me with the soil i purchased that i wouldnt have to fertilize in veg growth but he sold me some bloom builder for flowering. my question is should i apply it on a regular basis or every week or 2 ???? Thanks
  14. S

    keeping clones small and alive for 2 months ??? please help

    so my way is not good ??? im thinking to months plus not sure I want to keep them in fridge cause when my nephews come over that's the first place they
  15. S

    keeping clones small and alive for 2 months ??? please help

    i have a few rooted clones. is it ok to keep them in a small plastic cup under very low light just until my room is ready for them...probably a couple months. ???
  16. S

    spraying your plants with carbonated water ?????

    will this add co2 to your plants or just plain bullshit ????
  17. S

    Softener water or hard water ???

    Got a simple little closet room going and im wondering if my community well water is ok for my plants . i have heard the the salt in softener water is not good for the plants. i live on a community well and i do know its hard water(without the softener it will turn my toilet yellow...lots of...
  18. S

    CO2 bags...DO they work ?

    I am wondering if these co2 bags they have out there for $30 to $40 bucks that just sit on a shelf really work ??? I am doing the brewers yeast and sugar water fermentation method right now to try to create some co2 but not sure if that really works or not....any help would be great... thanks
  19. S

    Carbon filter question

    I have my carbon filter set up at the highest point in my room. Is it ok to run some duct work down and let the vented air from the filter fan the plants ????
  20. S

    More smaller plants or less bigger plants ???

    Thanks guy...just went from 9 to my best 5. i was going to goto 4 but i have 5 that look real kills me to trash 4 of them but i guess i got to bite the bullet