looking for some help with clones

I got a very simple grow closet. Im very busy these days so dont have much time to baby my plants. So when i take a cut its usually 3" to 4" long . Then I put it into some rockwool cubes and keep them moist under a cfl light. So this is how ive done it before and usually only 50 percent make it so lookin for a few basic tips to help out...Thanks


Well-Known Member
Keep your rockwool cubes in pH stable water for at least one hour, then shake, don't squeeze them of excess water.



Well-Known Member
Lots of visual aids on this subject on youtube.
Yes, Google "Jose Cervantes cloning video" and all 4 vids available. There are many many steps to cloning and this would be the easiest way for you to get correct info. Take notes.


Well-Known Member
This question gets asked at least daily and people get tired of typing out instructions


Active Member
If you are only getting a 50% success rate with rockwool, you need to review and modify your process. I have had a 100% success rate for over a decade. See my posts on this thread.


Well-Known Member
spend 50 bucks get a bucket cloner. add water and wait 2 weeks and its done. my tip 99 % success rate. plane water .