More smaller plants or less bigger plants ???

I have 9 newly rooted clones of northern lights i just transplanted into 2-gallon pots and placed in a room roughly 3' x 3 1/2' . I was thinking of growing them about 8" tall then cutting to 12 hours. Is this the correct thinking or should i grow maybe 4 or 5 plants and let them get a little bit larger. maybe 12" to 15" before i cut the lights.... also im using a 180 watt led with 6-large 67 watt cfls 2700k . Thanks


Well-Known Member
I dont know how much light that combination will give you but the physical space is one issue but getting light penetration through all that will be another. Thats not a very big space. IMO 9 in that space is twice as many as you need for that space.


Well-Known Member
I'd put them into flower immediately and skip any veg. That's a small space for 9 x 2 gal pots.

It's going to get pretty bushy!



Well-Known Member
about 1 oz. per foot of plant growth.
I grow 4 - 4 1/2 foot plants in 3 gallon pots
you have 2 gallon pots you should be able to grow a 2-3 foot plant.
Remember the more light the better.


Well-Known Member
Less plants, less problems, more light penetration, bigger yield. More plants, more stress, more problems and perhaps the same yield depending on lighting and TLC of course. Good Luck
Thanks guy...just went from 9 to my best 5. i was going to goto 4 but i have 5 that look real kills me to trash 4 of them but i guess i got to bite the bullet


Well-Known Member
Well you don't have to trash them..were they all female? Def don't want to cull the herd before you sex them..I would have kept the others anyway and just stuck them where I could if space is tight..