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  1. S

    1st dwc experiance...trial and error

    I agree about the nutes. Keep it lower than you would ever imagine. I tried using Fox Farms feeding schedule and burned the crap out of my first try. So this time I've been using 1/4 strength for 4 weeks and finally worked up to 1/2 strength nutes for weeks 5 and 6. Less is better.
  2. S

    1st dwc experiance...trial and error

    Very cool. I like the look of that grow room man. All that mylar with the hood and reservoir. Looks like something from Total Recall.
  3. S

    1st grow , 1st bubble

    A friend of mine has a female with the same leaf structure as that!! That's crazy!
  4. S

    1st dwc experiance...trial and error

    I don't know what the yellowing could be. Just be patient and see if it rides it out. One thing I'd do is lightproof that blue reservoir. That plastic glows when under bright light. I got some Krylon for plastic. First black then white over that. I had a great grom destroyed by root rot from...
  5. S

    My First Try at This...

    I agree...don't trim. Seems like it always brings problems unless you really know what you're doing. Nice looking grow man!
  6. S

    Need dwc help asap plz

    Do you have a gardening store or a hydroponics store in your area? All the supplies to get a nice reservoir going are actually pretty cheap and you seem to be pretty intuitive to assemble such a set up.
  7. S

    plants dying

    I went with all black tubing as well after I lost a lovely fat female to root rot. I had it growing a couple new roots after severely shocking it with root cuttings and peroxide but then it just died. :cry:
  8. S

    Nutrient ph problem question...

    If you need to do that big of an adjustment I would drain out a gallon of water first. Then add the pH down to a fresh gallon of water and add it to the mix. PH down will increase your parts per million.
  9. S

    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    Day 38. Day 10 of flower.
  10. S

    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    For veg I used the ufo slammed 3-4" above the tops with two 26 watt 6500K CFL's in 8" reflectors. As they grew I added 1 more 26 watt and reflector that clipped to the side of the UFO housing. A week before flower I changed out the 6500k bulbs for 42 watt 2700K CFLs. I use the sunleaves...
  11. S

    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    The quality of my reservoir nutrient solution is much better with an airstone in it. I have the water circulating very fast. The pump valve is open all the way allowing the pump to push full force. My drain system is a syphon style and drains as fast or faster than the pump pushes new water in...
  12. S

    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    I don't know that it has any positive effects on the roots of the plants themselves. But I think the extra airstone in the reservoir keeps things oxygenated and fresh. My reservoir air pump went out one night and when i woke up the reservoir seemed dingy or musty. As soon as i got a new air pump...
  13. S

    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    I'm flowering right now so as far as the LED's "working" I have a few weeks to put in my official stance. As far as veg goes I'll just let my plants do the talking. I only added 3 26 watt cfls to the UFO and have now switched to 3 42 watt cfls of a red spectrum. That's it. So as far as...
  14. S

    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    :bigjoint:There has been 420 views of this grow as of this post.
  15. S

    HELP! Plant Showing Signs of Malnutrition!

    What's the water temp? I started getting yellow leaves after I lost a battle with temperature and root rot set in. Keep the water temp around 65 F.
  16. S

    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    Day 36. Day 8 of flower. I like to take pictures of them under different light combos.
  17. S

    1st bubbleponics grow and 6 females!

    This is the first time I've tried it. You can follow my grow in my bubbleponics re-circulator thread. I just added new pics today!
  18. S

    First time Bubbleponics grow.

    I second that. One thing to keep a close eye in is the water temperature. Probably already been said but it's worth saying twice. Keep the water temp around 65 F.
  19. S

    1st bubbleponics grow and 6 females!

    I'm growing 3 in a SH tub. I added a reservoir below the main reservoir. They're in a triangle formation. I couldn't imagine growing more than that without some serious pruning.
  20. S

    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    Day 33. Day 5 of flower.