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  1. S

    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    That's easy.....I can hang it in a 4x4 closet with the door closed and a couple fans running and get giant stealth growth. bongsmilie
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    colling water

    I just set up a second rez on a shelf below my main reservoir that stays cooler cause it's out of the light. I just pump water from the lower cool rez up to the main reservoir and let it drain back into the lower reservoir. I placed a fan blowing on the drain tube and the water stays at a cool...
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    bubble system water level questions

    I also just use plain water to top off my reservoir. I use RO water. It seems to stay pretty stable with ph.
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    SanibelGreen's 1st LED/Bubbletronics Grow

    They're great lights. Check out my bubbleponics re-circulator thread. I also use a 90 Watt.
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    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    Here's Day 31 total. This is day 3 of flower. They're using close to a gallon a day now!
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    SanibelGreen's 1st LED/Bubbletronics Grow

    That's a great looking set up. I like to drop my UFO right down on top of the little guys. It's so cool in temp. and the plants just flourish. I'm talkin inches above the vegetation.
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    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    So I spun the lid around so both sides can get a variety of light. I really like what was going on in the back of the closet where I couldn't see well. The leaves are HUGE!:weed: The plants on the inlet and outlet side are growing faster than the plant in the middle. The circulation has really...
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    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    Here's the girls at Day 23. Snow White. Finally got to add the Fox Farm Open Sesame. Looked cool mixing up the nutes. Can't wait to flower next week!!
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    SanibelGreen's 1st LED/Bubbletronics Grow

    Nice set up:joint: I use a 90 watt UFO too. Check out my re-circulating bubbleponics grom. I'm 3 days into week 4 and loving the growth. The lights run so cool the temps are easy to maintain. Nice
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    DWC setup?

    Check out my Bubbleponics Re-circulator thread. Keeps the water cool and fresh by circulating it between 2 reservoirs.
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    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    Here's my home made bubbleponics re-circulator set up. Got Snow White at 3 weeks right now using 90 Watt UFO and 3-26 Watt CFLs. Fox Farm Nutrients. RO Water. Hope I can get it this time. :weed:
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    ordering to your own house.

    Just got my Snow White shipped to my front door. Actually, it was guaranteed and I wasn't home at delivery so I had to go to the post office and sign for my T-Shirt. And don't forget the freeby they gave me. I'm almost 3 weeks in and I'm 3 for 3 with the seeds I planted. Rep for the Attitude.
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    Help i need seeds

    I definitely agree with attitude. Showed up quick and the shirt is pretty cool!
  14. S

    Think I got the rot ...

    So I awoke to foamy water and brown roots. I'm so bummed. However, i'm not going to just let her go. I drained EVERYTHING for starters. Next I mixed up a dose of H202 in some phed water and soaked the hell out of the roots removing the dead rotten ones while it was soaking. I just ran my hand...
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    LED Stealth Hydro Grow PICS!!

    Excellent idea! Now that I have only one it's got alot of room to be tied a little.
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    LED Stealth Hydro Grow PICS!!

    I saw the evil balls on my big bastard this that's two male for sure and 1 female. It was sad to pull my biggest plant of the bunch but I'm in full nurture mode for the female I got. I didn't want that big bastard putting his polleny pause all over my little girl. I'm curious to...
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    LED Stealth Hydro Grow PICS!!

    So one male and one female so far. Male is looooooooooong gone. Glad it was my runt that didn't look so good. I still can't tell on the biggest one. I'm pullin sooo hard for female though. TIme will tell!! Got one though so I'm honored!!
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    I have a DWC question

    That would be alot of buckets. Roseman puts 3 clones in 4" net pots per one 5gal bucket. I don't know if 3 would fit with the 5" net pots. You could use 2 10gal totes with 3 in each one. That's what I personally use and it works great. You could do 6 in the 18gal tote but would be a bit...
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    what a horrible morning!

    My cat's been leaving my area alone so far but they are in the first week of flower right now. Cats probably get curious about the smell of fresh ripening buds. This is a good post....I need a cat barrier.
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    How much space between plants in DWC system

    I have 3 growing in a 6 place bubbleponics 10gal rez using 4 inch net pots. The tub is in a 3sqft end of my closet. They are groing into eachother but are forming a nice canopy. I feel the space is utilized nicely with these systems.