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  1. S

    How to keep your roots white and healthy.

    I'm rockin the Fox Farms nutes. The 3 pack with all 3 solubles and things are going great. I've only ever used 1/4 strength the entire grow. My current grow is at day 44. Grow Big definitely turns them brown but I have no bad smells and my water actually comes out the color of the soluble. This...
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    Nutrient ph problem question...

    I use water I get from Safeway in two 5 Gallon jugs. Costs me about $4 to fill them up. It's easy and pretty cheap. Water's always good to go. Adjustments to pH are easy using minimal pH UP or DOWN to tune it in. Then it stays there through the week adding only more plain water that is not pH...
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    SWC LED Bagseed - First Grow

    Nice grow man! I too grow with LED's. I use a 90 Watt Illuminator UFO with three CFL's and have ben very happy with the results so far. I'm in the third week of flower right now and things are going great. I've never seen such big, lush, total coverage growth. I'm gonna keep an eye on your grow...
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    First time grower 1000w Mi5 bubbleponics

    Can't wait to see pics. You've got all the right equipment. Are you putting the ice directly into the reservoir with the roots? I'd be careful putting ice right in the root zone. I use bottles of ice as well, however, I have an external reservoir hooked up that I add the ice too. That way it...
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    pics first time grow

    I did. This is the begining of week 3. They shot pistils right away. I'm not sure what the differenece would be if I had waited. I don't have the experience for a comparison.
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    Help with diy setup

    Check out my bubbleponics re-circulator thread. That's 3 snow white fems in a 10 gallon tote triangle formation. I couldn't imagine having any more than that.
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    Built me own dwc , any opinions ?

    HAhahahahah....that's the first thing you noticed?:clap:
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    Outdoor Hydro?

    Nothin like changing my rez in my boxers while I burn a fatty and get down with ja make ya sounds :bigjoint:
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    Built me own dwc , any opinions ?

    I have to agree that after that silicone is cured it's good to go. I got to thinking last night and I used spray paint on my totes to lightproof them. Just as toxic until it dries. :mrgreen:
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    How do you keep the light out?

    That's exactly what I did. Kinda stinky but better than the foil tape. Metallic tapes and materials absorb heat and I don't want any kind of heat messing with my reservoir temps.
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    Outdoor Hydro?

    You could bury the tank and use the ground for an insullator. That would handle the temps. But then you'd have to change the water out of a rez that's burind in the ground. You could bury it in a hill side and run a drain tube out the side of the bottom of the tank with a valve for easy...
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    pics first time grow

    A rule I kinda made up for rez changes is when you have replaced about 1/4 to 1/2 of the total volume of your rez with pure water then replenish it. That's adding fresh water as your plants use it during the week not water with nutrients. Early on my plants didn't drink that much but it didn't...
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    Built me own dwc , any opinions ?

    That's good silicone! However, I wouldn't even bother with it. That stuff can get messy and having chemicals like that anywhere near my rez would make me nervous. I just run my air lines straight through the plastic. They don't need to be sealed. If they absolutely need to be sealed use rubber...
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    1st bubbleponics grow and 6 females!

    Probably felt like the time I was tightening the strings on my soil LST and snapped my main stem right under the fatty cola 3 weeks before it was finished
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    Will this Work?

    I'm currently using a circulating Bubbleponics set up and love the results. I just used the pump for the drip system in a lower reservoir that pumps cooler water up to the upper main reservoir and drains back into the lower. The plants love the flow. Submersible pump and 1/2" tubing =$20
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    Is changing the reservoir really necessary?

    One thing I did differently with this grow was build a system that constantly circulates the solution from a bottom reservoir out of the light up to the main reservoir which drains back into the lower reservoir. I have airstones in both reservoirs. My temperature and pH stay nicely balanced and...
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    Some newb questions.......

    I think it just takes time for the reservoir to obtain a nice balance. My pH would flucuate with plain water as well. I use RO water rather than tap water and the results have been much better. I also practice mixing up my nutes in 5 gallon jugs the night before I change. Adding nutrients to the...
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    Root ? bubbleheads help

    When I pulled my males I just VERY CAREFULLY worked the roots apart. Some broke but the most important thing is to not leave ANY floating broken roots in the reservoir. The dead roots in the water will break down and give you trouble. So just focus on clean water after the fact and just take...
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    Is changing the reservoir really necessary?

    Just one episode of root rot that killed my crop was enough to convince me. I want fresh replenished water each week. During the week I top off the reservoir with plain RO water. It's working great. I couldn't imagine not changing my water. Now, the fact that your reservoir is that big plays a...
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    Need dwc help asap plz

    bongsmilieGood decision. Life will be so much easier. Also, the one thing I tried to not use my first grow was one of the drain valves that Stealth Hydro sells. Get one or two or three just to have them on hand. They are so nice to have. The less your roots see light the better. So the less you...