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  1. S

    I have a DWC question

    Are you using 5gal buckets for the DWC? And are you going to grow all 6 clones to harvest?
  2. S

    I have a DWC question

    I use a stealth hydro bubbleponics system in a 10gal tub. I opted out of the drain valve so here's how I change my rez out without harming my precious roots. First I turn off my lamps and leave one cfl on so I can see. I then unplug the water pump and the air pump. Then I pull the entire tub out...
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    First Bubble Grow, Using CFLs & LED, Bag Seed.

    Attack of the Triffids and shit!! (That's an old plant movie about plants that...well...attack) You could fall in love with a chimp in that jungle in your closet
  4. S

    First Bubble Grow, Using CFLs & LED, Bag Seed.

    Tie those babies down!! HAHAHA Those suckers are huge. Same thing happened to me my last grow in soil. Thought i could keep them short and stalky...yeah right. Tied them 3 ways before it was all over and they were still crowded. Nice thing about the LED though is the non-burning issue. Nice grow...
  5. S

    LED Stealth Hydro Grow PICS!!

    So here's the best pic my camera would take. I'm talking about the little tiny spots on the node. Looks like somethin. I know what a male looks like when it's showing during flower but I'm all interested in the pre-flower now. The other pic was my first soil grow. SHe was tied down in a tiny...
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    LED Stealth Hydro Grow PICS!!

    No positive signs of sex yet. I've been reading about pre-flowers on here and now I swear I can see tiny little somethings on the nodes. I'll try to get my camera to focus on one and post it. I can't wait to know for sure though!
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    nutrient mixture

    I agree with both posts. I add 1/6th the nutrients every time they drink one gallon. I wouldn't recommend adding more than the suggested amount unless you get pretty good at knowing what your plants want. I burned my plants a little using the recommended dosage using the Fox Farm hydro but I...
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    First-time DWC, with plenty of questions

    I personally use Fox Farm tri-pack hydro nutes with the tri-pack of solubles. I've found that mixing them straight into my tap water (ph 7.9) leaves me with a final ph of 5.8 and is great for growing. I made the mistake of using way more ph down trying to get my water adjusted before I added the...
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    LED Stealth Hydro Grow PICS!!

    So I have this one MONSTER and two smaller ones. The smaller two are the same size but the larger one is WAAAAAY ahead of the game. My instinct and previous experience tells me I have two ladies and Mr. in the house. What do you guys think? I'm 4 days into the week 4 schedule and 3 days from...
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    nutrient question

    Those are good nutrients and recommended as an upgrade by the guys at SH. Use the "Recipe for Success" and follow the directions on a hydroponic feeding schedule. Add the recommended amount of nutrient to each gallon. I mix one at a time in a gallon water jug so I can shake it up really well...
  11. S

    Does DWC slow growth?

    I thought the same thing when I first saw a DWC...won't they be overwatered? Thats when the guy engaged the bubbles and I was hooked. I got so into it I even bought a fish tank just to put bubbles in. I really enjoy hydro growing as opposed to soil. I feel like I know better what i'm doing as...
  12. S

    Bubbleheads please help!

    Thanks! :mrgreen:
  13. S

    Bubbleheads please help!

    At home depot in the pipes and fittings aisle they have irrigation manifolds. They cost around 5-6 bucks. They are a circle with 6 little nipples around the bottom of it. Each nipple should have a shut off valve that you can twist open or closed. Then you need the 1/2" fitting that screws into...
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    Bubbleheads please help!

    Home Depot or Lowes has a TON of irrigation parts. For the smaller 90 fittings that fit drip lines go to a sprinkler store that sells Rain Bird systems and stuff. Just curious, why the top drip system and not an irrigation manifold plumbed into the bottom of the pots? Having the nutrient...
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    First Grow: DIY Bubbleponics (Bagseed)

    I had some late bloomers in my grow that were too late....they got choked out due to the rapid growth of the larger plants. Man, when the roots hit the water its ON! Hold off on full power nutes for longer than you may think. I got anxious and burned my babies. I also learned to take it easy on...
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    LED Stealth Hydro Grow PICS!!

    Oh man you know I've been all over your tutorial. Awesome stuff!! Thanks for the props.
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    LED Stealth Hydro Grow PICS!!

    ...Man they STINK too! I'm definitely doing Roseman's bucket odor killer. Smelled that ONA stuff yesterday and MAN it's strong.
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    740 watt LED grow DWC

    I'm using one 90 watt UFO (pretty new one with NO orange and added infareds) with 3 32 watt CFLs. My plants look TOTALLY different than these. I think you're right about set backs from nute burn etc. Here's a picture of mine. Just changed res to week 4 Fox Farm hydro schedule. Proofs in the...
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    LED Stealth Hydro Grow PICS!!

    I just had another amazing newbie discovery. I've been extremely cautious about adding nutrients to pH adjusted water. However, I just added my Fox Farms straight to my tap water and tested it.....5.8. It was perfect! So I mixed up all 6 gallons of nutrients one gallon at a time and tested the...
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    Newbie LED stealth Grow, Whatcha think?

    You're gonna need more space for vertical. 3 feet is okay but you'll find yourself in a crowded situation. I tried it once and was not satisfied so I went ahead and dedicated an entire end of my closed to the girls. I'm much happier and they are MUCH happier. Hope this helps. Oh and I run the...