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  1. thatreedocta

    Using both hps and tube flourescents during flowering

    I have a 1000 watt hps for flower right now and put in a 50 watt tube flourescent in a spot not getting a lot of light. Is this ok or will it maybe confuse the plants since hps is summers light spectrum. I noticed two plants moved themselves away from the light (and wasnt because of heat because...
  2. thatreedocta

    Are these male and female flowers? (pics)

    thanks and i know there shitty pictures but will post better ones soon. How do u know if its a male flower with pistils?
  3. thatreedocta

    Are these male and female flowers? (pics)

    Pictures not very good but it has white hairs but what its coming out of is kind of like a ball so im wondering if its a hermie. can someone show me a better picture of a hermie flower? pic 1 is the one im talking about (not good pic though) and other two are just setup. Probably looks like...
  4. thatreedocta

    1000 watt light way too hot

    No its fine to pull air in from the window because my house temp always stays at 65 and with the hot air blowing out of the tent it raises to 68, 70 max. The problem is just the radiant heat from the light. Im asking if I should keep pulling cold air through 8 feet of ducting through the light...
  5. thatreedocta

    Do I have mold?

    Yeah I know I looked it up on google before I posted but this is my first grow so ive never seen new forming buds so im just checking. From what I read trichomes look similiar to powdery mildew so im trying to get someone elses perspective.
  6. thatreedocta

    1000 watt light way too hot

    I have a 1000 watt air cooled light attached to a 220cfm fan. The fan is connect to a duct ---> to light----> to duct that travels about 8 feet to the window so it can suck in colder outside air. My questions are is it worth it to have long ducting to connect your air cooled fan to the window (i...
  7. thatreedocta

    Do I have mold?

    I'm 16 days into flower and I think buds/trichomes are coming in but I want to make sure its not just mold/powdery mildew (will post pics). There's no sign of mold/PM anywhere on the fan leaves. My humidity gets up to 77 sometimes. My questions are: 1. What does mold look like on buds? 2...
  8. thatreedocta

    Possible humidity/mold issues

    I'm 16 days into flower and I think buds/trichomes are coming in but I want to make sure its not just mold/powdery mildew (will post pics). There's no sign of mold/PM anywhere on the fan leaves. My humidity gets up to 77 sometimes. My questions are: 1. What does mold look like on buds? 2. Im...
  9. thatreedocta

    10 days in

    You can use the drop kits, just keep it in the light orange range. Drop kits are more reliable/accurate than ph meters but just not precise.
  10. thatreedocta

    Avoiding the PH game, noob

    If you cant trust yourself to bring your ph up you shouldn't be doing hydro. Its not that hard. Add a couple drops of ph up at a time until you get to 5.5 - 6.5. Over time you'll be able to do it with your eyes closed.
  11. thatreedocta

    Do I need to give seedlings cal mag?

    Yeah but all nutrient companies dont include cal mag and I believe seedlings dont contain it either in there false leaves (theres plenty of calcium/magnesium in natural outdoor environment). My seedling DEFINITELY was growing slowly with no cal mag but im just wondering if 1/2 strength right...
  12. thatreedocta

    Do I need to give seedlings cal mag?

    I use distilled water only so do I need to give seedlings (1 day - 1 week old) cal mag? I didnt last time and noticed they grew very slowly. Will giving it 1/4 - 1/2 strength on day 1 hurt it?
  13. thatreedocta

    I accidently turned cell phone on during night cycle. bad?

    my plants are a week into flower and I accidently turned my phone on after they had been asleep for 30 minutes. Am I gonna be the not so proud owner of some new hermies?
  14. thatreedocta

    Growing more than one strain in the same grow tent

    First of all, thanks for the advice. As for the double posting thing, no need to get your panties all bunched up bro. Just hit the bong one time and relax. Try some master kush. That should do the job.
  15. thatreedocta

    Growing more than one strain in the same grow tent

    For my next grow I want to do northern lights, master kush and white widow. Do you think ill have any issues? I know they all finish in 8 weeks but don't know about things like if one strain prefers particular ph or if one strain grows a lot taller than the other two messing up my canopy (doing...
  16. thatreedocta

    Should I grow more than one strain at the same time?

    For my next grow I want to do northern lights, master kush and white widow. Do you think ill have any issues? I know they all finish in 8 weeks but don't know about things like if one strain prefers particular ph or if one strain grows a lot taller than the other two messing up my canopy (doing...
  17. thatreedocta

    yellow leaves & droopiness

    Think about re-potting as well to something other than the mesh pots because when the roots get exposed to light/air it causes the leaves to droop as well.
  18. thatreedocta

    the perfect water?

    Agree with ringleader. Definitely not 7 ppm. Where do you live? US? If so, just go to safeway or something where they have the water machines that you can get a gallon for 25 cents. Very good investment.
  19. thatreedocta

    yellow leaves & droopiness

    Same question as flamin pie... what kind of hydro setup are you running. But yeah, for sure looks like a nitrogen deficiency and or overwatering. Can tell you a little better once i have info on your setup. Could also be nute lockout. Whats your ph?
  20. thatreedocta

    Changing light schedule during flowering

    Thanks thats what I figured