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  1. thatreedocta

    Will spraying h2o2 on buds negatively effect the buds or degrade the thc?

    how about you calm down. Did my double post kill you? I can twice as many answers when I post in two forums.
  2. thatreedocta

    Are my plants getting enough air at night?

    Your in Texas so its 1 there so I can see why your tired. Im in California. And yeah, it makes sense, but I don't just want them to survive, I want them to thrive. I hear night time is when most of the THC is produced. So will they grow or just survive to the day?
  3. thatreedocta

    Are my plants getting enough air at night?

    I have a tent with a powerful exhaust fan sucking air out. When the tent is closed all the walls suck in so its definitely getting negative pressure. At night I close the tent and all my doors and windows in my room. My question is, at night (with tent, doors and windows closed), are my plants...
  4. thatreedocta

    Are my plants getting enough air at night?

    I have a tent with a powerful exhaust fan sucking air out. When the tent is closed all the walls suck in so its definitely getting negative pressure. At night I close the tent and all my doors and windows in my room. My question is, at night (with tent, doors and windows closed), are my plants...
  5. thatreedocta

    can't distinguish whether trichomes are clear, cloudy or amber

    I have a 30x loupe and am having a hard time distinguishing the color of the trichs. Is there any special methods or tricks you guys use to tell?
  6. thatreedocta

    is this a hermie or a seed

    i was saying that i took a large picture of it and you can clearly see it but i had to shrink the pic to post it. And what do you mean by a proper seed pod and random seed pod.
  7. thatreedocta

    is this a hermie or a seed

    You think its ready to harvest?
  8. thatreedocta

    is this a hermie or a seed

    im doing a legal grow in my state and im not doing enough plants (5) for the feds to give a shit.
  9. thatreedocta

    HELP Need to Know Sex immediately HELP

    you can cut a clone and force flower it but that will probably take 3 weeks
  10. thatreedocta

    is this a hermie or a seed

    Thats as big as this site will let me post. But do you think its ready to harvest?
  11. thatreedocta

    is this a hermie or a seed

    I have an agent orange plant that has been flowering for 57 days now and I noticed a ball like thing but im not sure if its a premature seed or a male ball sack. Also, I might just remove it from my grow room and put it in 48 hours darkness starting today and then harvest. You think its ready at...
  12. thatreedocta

    how to check trichome to see if there ready to harvest without damaging trichomes

    My plants are at 51 days now and i want to check the trichomes to see if there ready to harvest (going to harvest at 1/3 amber, 2/3 cloudy) but I only have the little pocket microscope that requires you to put it right on the bud to see anything. This one...
  13. thatreedocta

    does spraying plants/buds with h202/water effect trichomes?

    Like does it break off the trichome heads or degrade them?
  14. thatreedocta

    method for determining harvest time

    Can you pluck off one of the small trichome covered leaves surrounding the bud to check the trichomes? Or do you have to check the bud itself?
  15. thatreedocta

    is 6 weeks into flowering too late to supercrop

    I accidently supercropped one of my plants a week into flower (fan fell on top of it) and now looking at it, it has a ridiculous amount of crystal on it (more than rest of plant). So i want to supercrop my other plants (now 6 weeks in on a plant that finishes in 8 weeks)but dont want to hermie...
  16. thatreedocta

    Probably a dumb question.

    yeah having the ph up/ph down in your solution is fine and it wouldnt hurt to drop the ph 2 points but if your doing soil your in the range as someone else said