Are my plants getting enough air at night?


Active Member
I have a tent with a powerful exhaust fan sucking air out. When the tent is closed all the walls suck in so its definitely getting negative pressure. At night I close the tent and all my doors and windows in my room. My question is, at night (with tent, doors and windows closed), are my plants getting enough air?


Well-Known Member
Your fine, a plant can survive in an airtight room as long as their is exhaust so it doesn't smother itself by oxygen overdose...does that make TIRED.GL


Active Member
Your in Texas so its 1 there so I can see why your tired. Im in California. And yeah, it makes sense, but I don't just want them to survive, I want them to thrive. I hear night time is when most of the THC is produced. So will they grow or just survive to the day?