Probably a dumb question.


Well-Known Member
So I mixed up a gallon of grow big nutrient, noticed I need to Ph Up a bit..I ph'd up, then it was too high, so I ph'd down. This is my first experience with ph up and down, so I had no experience to gauge how strong it was. Anyway, the question is, is it still safe to feed my plant this solution even though I ph up and ph down'd a few times to get it right? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Happens to me often, no big deal, it won't cause any problems, don't worry abt it.


Well-Known Member
Another additional question, the PH of my solution is 6.7...Is that fair enough? I don't feel like going through the whole PH down again just for 2 points.


Active Member
yeah having the ph up/ph down in your solution is fine and it wouldnt hurt to drop the ph 2 points but if your doing soil your in the range as someone else said