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  1. skatterman420

    Praying its not a male, but need 2nd opinion

    Yeh I'm with ^ its a hermi, the last pic shows like 10 balls, and pistils
  2. skatterman420

    6-8 month Veg?

    WOW! I remember the guy from overgrow who had water being pumped to his plants from a pond or something, he had like 10 7x7 bushes! or bigger?
  3. skatterman420


    Hmm I have the 430 watt ballast my question is do 400w HPS work in the 430w Ballast? lol
  4. skatterman420

    Flower......5 Colas

    Fatty Nugs Very nice
  5. skatterman420

    OMG 9 Lights - 12 Plants - 15 POUNDS....Damn i'm gettin good at this

    In america, A "Nigger" is not a black person unless the word is used by a bigot. A "Nigger" is anyone who steals, lies, cheats, or flakes out on his loved ones. (I Already Feel Like A Racist) Now say we were all like "Yo Crackas, Pass The Sunchips" are we promoting racism? Man everyone needs to...
  6. skatterman420

    Mouth Wash

    Haha people are fucking idiots.
  7. skatterman420

    Close up bud shots.

    nice buds, and my mom always forgot to turn off the beaters :*(
  8. skatterman420

    shopping for new lights

    I've heard that Texas Hydro likes to tip off cops, maybe somebody is full of shit? who knows.
  9. skatterman420

    Help ventilation PLEASE :-(

    I got an idea, take your shitty lil tent and shove it, take your hps and break it, your plants don't want the abuse of being grown by you trying to cool a hps with a computer fan. Go tell your plants that "I was to busy being so full of myself that i didn't take anybodies advice and now you...
  10. skatterman420

    Top 44 at 30 days 12/12 with 2,200 watts.

    nicely done panhead :)
  11. skatterman420

    OMG 9 Lights - 12 Plants - 15 POUNDS....Damn i'm gettin good at this

    Whenever you get the urge to bash someone, hit the back button and find a new thread instead
  12. skatterman420

    Our GIRL "Killer" is flowering! (PICS)

    lol i'd never bugger around with dudes in a shower.
  13. skatterman420

    Our GIRL "Killer" is flowering! (PICS)

    Yes I see what you mean now, yes they will definately fatten up!
  14. skatterman420

    Just Harvested!!! PICS!!!!

    yes i wasn't sure but i thought it was soap bar, heard about this from the Englanders ;0
  15. skatterman420

    fan for seedlings

    i'd wait since your fan doesn't oscillate either that or put the fan far away
  16. skatterman420


    guessing gnats, lil black fuckers with wings, going crazy in the soil. I'm guessing you have potting soil for fruits or vegetables cause they go crazy for the stuff, also this is from overwatering, or too often. If you let the soil dry out between waterings they won't be able to survive there...
  17. skatterman420

    Just Harvested!!! PICS!!!!

    Oh here we call that shitty hash :P or Soap bar hash, unless they are scraping bowls all day and night in the middle east
  18. skatterman420

    Our GIRL "Killer" is flowering! (PICS)

    killer doesnt look like an indica from the pic, unless they grow spindly leaves under cfls? but damn it has some nice looking buds forming :P
  19. skatterman420

    fan for seedlings

    eh prob wait till some of them start toppling over, then stake em and put the fan on em, i've done this multiple times and it seems to work