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  1. skatterman420

    boiling glass/resin

    hmm, some people get the pipe between some tongs, and hold it over the fullblast faucet on hot. Maybe put something soft underneath just incase.
  2. skatterman420

    Veg outdoor - Flower in

    becareful with your transitioning, if they go into flower on there own in the process of doing this i'd just leave them in the cab for 12/12 as to not cause hermi's, or you could try a Dark Period, I did this last grow gives them that extra stretch, you see a weeks worth of growth when the...
  3. skatterman420

    Double chamber S.O.G. Utility Cabinet grow

    2 Words Cool Tubes. Should work nicely for you
  4. skatterman420

    Cooltube as vent...

    give it A try
  5. skatterman420

    My Grow Setup What You Think? Advice Please!!!

    del666 your a genius, yes thats how close it should be! plus the co2 helps the plants manage when the temps boost, may i ask whats the thing on the end of the tubing? nicely done rep+ I'd still try using the fan, somehow differently, guessing its a stealth grow?
  6. skatterman420

    how to top plant and when

    noice tips from the pros
  7. skatterman420

    Cooltube as vent...

    I think the point is cooltubes are supposed to be totally enclosed and constantly have air wooshing thru via vent tubing, I think you'd be better off with an squarish airtight reflector, like a Cool Junior, you could leave one side open, but traditionally, you have the hood cooled and a seperate...
  8. skatterman420

    New grow journal and stealth box

    nice plants, I'm also from MO just started a cfl grow
  9. skatterman420

    OMG 9 Lights - 12 Plants - 15 POUNDS....Damn i'm gettin good at this

    Its all about how much money, time, and love you can give to your plants. If you purposely leave out any step to start em sooner, you can't even think about lbs. per plant ;p
  10. skatterman420

    Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker

    Oh I see, the rockwool kind of "wicks" it up. I love the simplicity, but how well thought out this system is, nice work. I just started 9 in a tupperware deal lined in Pandascreen, i've got until winter till i can really do anything serious, since i'm stuck using a garage attic, and its hot as fuck!
  11. skatterman420

    Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker

    Oh I see, the rockwool kind of "wicks" it up as its misted? I love the simplicity, but how well thought out this system is, nice work. I just started 9 in a tupperware deal lined in Pandascreen, i've got until winter till i can really do anything serious, since i'm stuck using a garage attic...
  12. skatterman420

    Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker

    Oh I see, the rockwool kind of "wicks" it up as its misted? I love the simplicity, but how well thought out this system is, nice work. I just started 9 in a tupperware deal lined in Pandascreen, i've got until winter till i can really do anything serious, since i'm stuck using a garage attic...
  13. skatterman420

    Newbie indoor grow start...

    Hey to raise your humidity add a pot of water to evap. Or Mist a bunch with a mister, careful not to get the HID bulb wet, NICE SETUP!
  14. skatterman420

    Next in line --------------------HARVEST PICS POSTED-------------------

    I think you need giant rolling papers, and just wrap them around the whole plants ;)
  15. skatterman420

    OMG 9 Lights - 12 Plants - 15 POUNDS....Damn i'm gettin good at this

    Hope Pics Turn Up! This Ought To be Good
  16. skatterman420

    New pictures!

    Nice and bushy, nicely grown Dfunk, keep it up any info? soil nutes lighting?
  17. skatterman420

    Im devastated...male or?? (pictures)

    Yeh the pointyness usually opens and 2 pistils will pop out
  18. skatterman420

    NEW cfl grow

    Ouch those tips don't look good
  19. skatterman420

    Accidental Grower

    the heat is making it have spindly leaves, it looks great though!
  20. skatterman420

    1st Tub CFL Grow w/ bagseed

    Nice man, very very nice.