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  1. skatterman420

    Steveukuk is a cop....

    I know I would last time a cop dripped on me I sued the piss out of em :wall:
  2. skatterman420

    what is bagseed???

    Bagseed is the seeds you find in the weed you buy from other people, if its kindbud you find it in then it probably was exposed to hermaphrodite plant in the grow room, giving it a handful of seeds.
  3. skatterman420

    33 year smoker-1st time grow

    well if you use the MG soil you really shouldn't give them nutes for over a month they say that stuff time releases over 2(or was it 3) months? granted your plants will use it up quicker then most houseplants, You'd see better results not using nutrients, another big thing, be sure to check...
  4. skatterman420

    Dark green curled upward leaves

    leaves going upward = heat problem
  5. skatterman420

    Dark Green, Dry Leaves.....

    The curling at the tips usually means nute burn, do you know if they have been getting any of their micronutrients?
  6. skatterman420

    First Grow.The Evolution.(LOTS of high res pics)

    50% is best humidity for flowering oh and nice looking grow! also i'm not sure if molasses is for flavor, I just know that you can use it upto the last day if you feel like it without your buds tasting like chemicals + it fattens up buds!
  7. skatterman420

    Anyone ever used them?
  8. skatterman420

    Is is possible!?!?!

    If not walmart then try lowes or home depot. good luck :)
  9. skatterman420

    Is is possible!?!?!

    I'd say around $30 probably cheaper, a vanity thing with wooden frame would be like $12, Y Adapters prob $1-2 each, 2x 4pack 48w CFLs $16
  10. skatterman420

    So long riu. Teaching hydro in africa

    Wow dude thats awesome, good for you. Can you explain some of the simple hydroponics methods you'll be teaching them? Gonna be cool in like 10 years when you see them talking about African Hydroponics tribes all because of you.
  11. skatterman420

    Smoking a hermie?

    Since all of mine hermi'd on one of my grows, I let them grow till i noticed the buds kind of stop growing, remember not to forget to only water them(no nutes) for the last week, week and a half so they burn better or else they will taste nasty and smoke funny.
  12. skatterman420

    Is is possible!?!?!

    Pretty cheap, like one of those vanity mirror light things is like 4 sockets spaced out, put a adapter in each that turns each into 2 bulb sockets and then you got 8 cfls just gotta wire the thing up, very simple.
  13. skatterman420

    Smoking a hermie?

    Lol fuckin stoners :) good luck with the hermi's you can always make hash with them :)
  14. skatterman420

    RIU is destroying my social life!

    whats more social then RIU? haha yeh I definately have a problem when it comes to producing drugs, it just kind of runs thru my head constantly, since i cant grow bud atm I've been looking into the mushroom thing ^^ but I like to pop in around here to try to give...
  15. skatterman420

    Smoking a hermie?

    I'm sorry, i was joking, i've grown and smoked hermis. How early in the flowering stage did they show signs of hermi? and the males release pollen pretty quickly, not quite sure how fast but I believe under a week got any pics?
  16. skatterman420

    Is is possible!?!?!

    Study Dually's picture hes got the right idea, but after they get to a certain size, supplement more light, cool thing about CFL's is you can just add more light as your plants get bigger
  17. skatterman420

    Smoking a hermie?

    Yes, but you may grow a vagina.
  18. skatterman420

    Does Molasses Work?

    Yep those big suckers will suck the pot dry pretty quick, but thats good you'll want that short period of dryness so the roots go deeper into the pot = bigger yield :)
  19. skatterman420

    aluminum paint?

    I think gloss paint produces hotspots I may be wrong, I've just always heard Flat white is the way to go
  20. skatterman420

    100 watt incandescent?

    -Karma for your grow :) +Hermis I hope your parents don't catch you stealing the bulbs out of their light fixtures