Is is possible!?!?!

Alien Train Wreck

Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
Is it possible to grow a pot plant under 1-75 watt cfl that unly uses 15 watts of electricity, and a regular lightbulb that is really bright and gives off a lot of heat(no idea what the watt is)??

Thanks guys,


Active Member
I would use about four to veg. I dont have any experience yet in flower so cant tell you anything about that, get rid of the regular light bulbs, they are practically useless in growing, theres some great threads about lighting on here, check them out


Well-Known Member
1 75 watt cfl, Yes. I would start by growing two or three just because its not going to be a guarentteed to be a female. Keep the light between 2"-4" off the tops.

Here is mine 3 weeks. I use 1 23w cfl per plant.



Active Member
It's possible to grow but it will probably be tall lanky most likely never flower (if it does it wont yield any substantial weight).


Well-Known Member
Well it depends on how big of a space you are working with. But 1 75w CFL isn't really going to do shit. I'm guessing that it's a 75w equivalent, correct? Meaning that it's really only a 19w, which isn't even 1000 lumens. I would suggest at least three of them...


Well-Known Member
you are actually refering to a 15w cfl, and no that won't do. You will need far more than that.


Well-Known Member
Study Dually's picture hes got the right idea, but after they get to a certain size, supplement more light, cool thing about CFL's is you can just add more light as your plants get bigger


Well-Known Member
Pretty cheap, like one of those vanity mirror light things is like 4 sockets spaced out, put a adapter in each that turns each into 2 bulb sockets and then you got 8 cfls just gotta wire the thing up, very simple.


Well-Known Member
I'd say around $30 probably cheaper, a vanity thing with wooden frame would be like $12, Y Adapters prob $1-2 each, 2x 4pack 48w CFLs $16


Well-Known Member
Not a single mention about what is the correct spectrum of CFL to get? Spectrum -WTF?

Do some reading before you start, it will save a lot of questions later.


Well-Known Member
You want the low spectrum for vegging, around 2700k, and the higher ones for flowering, around 6500k.