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  1. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Sativa vs Indica

    I flowered at 7 inches with no topping or trimming, and now the plant on the left os about 2 foot tall and the one oon the right is 3 and half feet tall, and they are both, super bushy, with pretty dense buds
  2. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Has anyone used a dryer?

    Yeah Bro, Just wait the week, if you waited the 3months for the harvest you surely can be able to wait one more week :peace:
  3. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Wash the Hydroton?

    i just make some slits on the bottom of my bag and run a garden hose into the top, let it run for about ten minutes, then soak in ph'd water for twenty four hours. :peace:
  4. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Hydro System Timing

    How long you water for, depends on how much water retention your system has. As long has your medium stays moist, your roots will not dry out, however you do also want your roots some time to get oxygen to them. This is why in a hydro system most all mediums have both water and air retention...
  5. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    metal halide bulbs

    Hey Buddy, buy this "Horitlux Metal Ace COnversion Bulb" its a 400w MH lightbulb that can be used in your 400w HPS ballast. I use one right now Here's what the box looks like
  6. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    28 Days Fowering Bagseed CFL's

    Why are not all your lights on?
  7. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    ***CONSTANT PROBLEM***experts needed

    Hey bro, I have a drip system. If you leave the water dripping all the time, the leaves will sag as shown in your pic.try 15 minutes on every hour And the yellow dots are probably caused by your nutes, bouncing of your medium onto your plant, it is hard to see sometimes, because the drops are...
  8. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Hydroton Medium

    I use growrocks, and no matter how many times you rinse it before you use it, it will always have some some particles breaking loose. It's just its nature. It has not affected any of my grows, and until it does, i am gonna roll with it :peace:
  9. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Flowering /true/false

    When you say your clones have been vegging for two weeks, is that from the day you cut them, or the day you saw roots form?
  10. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Flowering /true/false

    When you change your light to 12/12, your plant will, continue to grow, it takes about 2 weeks before, you see any buds. And yes you may flower a clone, though I would recommend it be at 7-8 inches tall. If you just wait a week longer in vegetative state you will reap the bene's at harvest...
  11. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Omfg Please Help Me!

    you said, you sprayed some mold killer on your plants. If you did this while your light weas on, then the moisture, will cause hot spots, and burns just like the ones you have. I recommend anytime you spray your plants with anything, to do it as soon as the lights go off. Not to mention if...
  12. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    These Seeds Wont Pop!

    we all posted at the sametime
  13. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    These Seeds Wont Pop!

    If they are good seeds, 24- 48 hours, but may take up to 2 weeks, at the most. Quite possibly, they just wont pop.bongsmilie
  14. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    I ordered from their, and i got my seeds in under two weeks. The seeds were kinda smallish, but 9 out of ten germinated in under 24 hours.
  15. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck


    And then they come back?
  16. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck


    so you beat up girls, do ya?
  17. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    New Leaves Turning Purple!!!

    Maybe if we could get some pics, but in the meantime is it just the tips, or the whole leaf, and how purple is purple. :peace:
  18. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    HYDRO NUTES help?

    russ, have you never stuffed 10 pounds of shit in a five pound bag?
  19. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    2 250w or 1 400w

    yeah, what he said ^
  20. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Sexing already?

    its hard to tell what that is, can we get a top pic, maybe just a little closer? :peace: