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  1. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Lets make some dough

    :spew:doesnt suck that the united states has an almost endless supply of money that burns holes in it's own pocket so badly, It refuses to turn to the mirror and look upon itself. I believe we need a president to come in and apologize for our arrogant actions, made possible by a a single man...
  2. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    How Much Will I Yield?

    also if you get HPS conversion bulbs for flowering you can expect more
  3. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    How Much Will I Yield?

    it depends on if you are going to use sog, scrog, prune or grow naturally. But i would say on average anywhere between 3/4 ounce to 1 1/2 ounces a plant, if they are all female, grown naturally say you get an average of 1 ounce a plant..........thats 50 ounces or close to 3 and a quater pounds...
  4. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck


    The NOTORIOUS GOV has been known to even hate on people with a "california hall pass"
  5. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Aero Nutes Question

    I got a homemade aero system, check my pics. What i did is use two containers, one for the plants that drains into my res. Now wen i need to do a res change i move the plant onatiner to the sid and change my nutes. But if your smart buy two of the samecontainers for your nutes, like i do now...
  6. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck


    Now I'm paranoid, and I smoke weed :hump:Double Whammy:hump: I hope I dont get caught, because where I'm at, they prosecute by the plant, bud or no bud:spew: PLEASE tell us how u got caught?
  7. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    how to prepare for extra budding

    Thats a sweet looking crop, keep it up
  8. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    I think I have HERMIES!!!

    Hey man, Here's a couple of things; 1.) Your plants like to be on a regular routine, switching the light to 12/12, then back to 16/8 two weeks later is not good. That is probably why you got hermies. Next time you grow, keep your plants on a consistant schedule. Once you start to flower...
  9. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Tough decision

    Yeah, Cloning is pretty easy, I got some cloning gel from my hydro shop when i first starting cloning, three years ago. I stopped growing for two years. Using the gel, i cloned from a window sill with plain water and not covered, (in rock wool, covered with a plastic cup), now i have a cloning...
  10. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    complete and utter noob

    If i were u, i would go get the first couple things you really need, soil, pots, and of course some kind of lighting system. theen i would try my hand at the bagseed to learn how everything works and what to expect. This site has a lot of information so pay attention, take baby steps, learn...
  11. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Tough decision

    Firstimer is right, when i responded i figured that the man was saying it was his only female. Plus he said it was the seed from his killer smoke, so i was kinda jumping ahead of myself and him
  12. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Le Sighe

    WOW now that's a set of acorns
  13. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    all sad

    I feel your pain brother, I had 25 seeds and grew 22 MALES, now if i could only hit the lottery. Stick with it
  14. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Rooted Leaf

    I' wonder, if its grows a growing tip, where it's gonna come from
  15. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Rooted Leaf

    WOW, you really did play GOD in doing that
  16. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Tough decision

    also i you have the money, i would recommend getting a MH conversion bulb for that light to veg. It's a lot whiter than the HPS bulb and your friends (Cough) (Cough) plants will grow a little more bushy (Thicker Fuller) I have seen the difference with my own eyes
  17. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Tough decision

    Yeah, i would concentrate on the one good female. Kill the other ones if they are male, and yes clone the good female, especially since you know that it was goodsmoke. Then from here on out you will know that your plants are female. Good Times :peace:
  18. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    I need seeds

    By the way, i would never snitch on anybody. I just wanna get high.
  19. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    I need seeds

    I am about to get my camera cord back, so when i get my skunk seeds in, I will show everybody exactly what i did from seed to harvest. Hopefully it will be something worth watching
  20. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    I Wanna Start!
