***CONSTANT PROBLEM***experts needed


Well-Known Member
this has already claimed the life of two of my plants.... i keep pH balanced from 5.7ish to 6.0, temps 70-80 during day, lil cooler at night, i even got some neem concentrate made a solution and sprayed for spider mites ect.... someone please help me and let me know whats happinin to my babies! ppms are in check as well O:



Well-Known Member
i had that happen to my plants i just sprayed em with perfect water like every day and it went away.


Well-Known Member
so what mist them with distilled water once a day o_O? seems like an easy method! are they like dry or whats the deal :(? at first i thought it was mights because of the constant spreading of spots.... mehh


Well-Known Member
almost looks like spider mites. turn the leaves over and look with a magnifying glass. do you see any critters or webbing?


Well-Known Member
blarg so many diff thangs,
*spray em with perfect water
*root rot

like i am saying i don't really see any actual mites i'v checked with a magno. i have sprayed for mites like i said. i am in an ALL WATER DRIP SYSTEM so no soil is involved.... i dunno how i can tell if i have root rot, they look pretty okay :+

any other diagnoses? after the leaves get alot of the spots they start to brown up and the plant stops growing... i trashed to 20 day old plants that were way small.


Well-Known Member
roots should be white. Im not an expert at hydrophonics, but id say 2 things, rot root or some kinda Manganese, Molybdenum (spell?) deficiency. make sure ur feed has all the trace elements.
Dont want to confuse you, so ill leave it there. Maybe someone with hydrophonics knowledge can help you.


Well-Known Member
Geez, maybe I am just a bit old, and a bit paranoid, but did you just post a pic of your fingerprints???????????????


Well-Known Member
not my fucking fingers god damnit i just want to know what the fuck is wrong with this plant! the roots are white and healthy RARRR!!!

can i mod delete my pics after viewing them please ._.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, I have a drip system. If you leave the water dripping all the time, the leaves will sag as shown in your pic.try 15 minutes on every hour And the yellow dots are probably caused by your nutes, bouncing of your medium onto your plant, it is hard to see sometimes, because the drops are so small.


Well-Known Member
there is no way the water is getting out of the system it is contained...none is shooting up... BUT! i do run the damn pump 24/7 would 18/6 be better!? i figured the roots would dry out during the 6 hours of off-ness

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hey BOMBs..

What do yo mean you lost 2 plants? Did they actually shrivel up and die? Or did you not like the way they looked so you tossedthem?

DOn't worry about your pictures...

Can you take a wide picture of your entire system..



Well-Known Member
mehhhh if it is root rot how can i stop it? the roots seem fine though... maybe parts a bit yellowbrownish
perhaps if i kill the water pour at night-time...but wouldnt that cut off some oxygen?



Uses the Rollitup profile
Hey WB,
Everything that I can think of has already been mentioned. I don't think that I've ever seen anything like it, except nute burn, or at least something systemic.

I guess it could be from something in the air (vapor) or sprayed on the plant. I've used Neem Oil many times without reaction, what mix did you spray? Did you spray anything else? With lights on or off?

How about air circulation? and ventilation and temp?

What nutrients and in what amounts? any other additives?

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i use all 6 foxfarm nutes.... only grow big and tiger bloom have been added. Temp chills between 72-80 night time gets down to 65 maybe? circulation = 1 ocelating fan that chills in the middle of my floor. (it keeps the closet cool)... i sprayed the neem oil water stuff when the lights were on...i think that might be part of the new uglyness...but the dots that look like nute burn have been their for a while....hmmm i dunno i think i'm just gonna see what happins :O


Well-Known Member
Geez, maybe I am just a bit old, and a bit paranoid, but did you just post a pic of your fingerprints???????????????
you are paranoid tonight video, and isn't that not my job normally?;)

and no, those won't stand in court since there is no valid scale in the pic by which they could fit them in and with out that they had to use scars and i didn't see any on his finger so this is fine and almost totally safe:)

but i should make pics of my hands, scars all over them...:-|


Well-Known Member
Would it be correct to say that those spots WON'T go away. I'm knda new to this but discolor and burns etc usually stay for the rest of the plants life correct? so when you correct a problem you would check that the new growth is heathy? Kinda like a time capsule thro the plants life?