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  1. kno

    new grow box 4'x8'x4' upgrade from closet

    My box is 4' high also, it does limit to how high you can grow but I just LST them short and don't have any problems. From the base of the stem to the light is 32". I usually flower from clones or seedlings. Only 6 girls in mine at a time though.
  2. kno

    new grow box 4'x8'x4' upgrade from closet

    That's a good ventilation idea, lots of air flow, filtered, for about $25. Nice job. My box is also OSB, but I don't have A/C in it, and it's a little smaller. Good luck with whatever you put in there.
  3. kno

    Changing over to HPS

    I would put a filter before the airtight light tube (on its intake) and put the inline fan somewhere between the filter and the outside, that way you can have a hidden (insude the box) filter and exhaust your box and light at the same time. You could use a 100CFM fan, since your box is only...
  4. kno

    First hydro grow

    That water cycle is fine. The roots will reach the water eventually. If you drain the water there will be no root rot, Make sure there is no light in the res. Adding bubble stones like Barron said might be a good idea if there is more than a few inches of standing water at the bottom. You can...
  5. kno

    Windshield reflectors?

    Depends on the brand, You can find mylar on ebay for decent prices. I've heard of people buying wrapping paper (the kind for Christmas presents). The back of the wrapping paper is silver and reflective. A cheap and available alternative.
  6. kno

    How to seal a converted armoir

    I've had this problem before, I just got a screw and a washer and screwed the door shut every time, ghetto? yes. works? yes. It's the only thing I found that would hold the doors shut to the frame with the weather stripping taking up so much space. Not a spec of light got through. My cab had a...
  7. kno

    My NFT hydroponics grow -need help!

    Germinate in a cool dark aria until you see the tap root coming out (I wait until it is at least 1/4" the way out and I germ with the seed completely submerged in water, I have high success rate and sometimes I let the taproot get up to an inch before I transfer to a no medium aero setup. Roots...
  8. kno

    light setup ?

    I think it would work because your closet is so narrow. maybe a 400w with side lighting or two 200w with some CFLs or something like that
  9. kno

    A little help

    I would cover the dirt with a garbage bag or something wrapped around the stem, that should keep most of the water out.
  10. kno

    Help me with my SOG plans PLEASE!!!

    I don't think you need 10 32watt floros for 20 clones, they don't take up much space. depending on the strain you could get away with 8"x8" per plant and add another row and column with that 600w I don't know cm that well so I'm just going to give you the sizes I would use in that set up for...
  11. kno

    light setup ?

    Check out ebay, HGT has complete setups for a reasonable price. They also sell the ventilation for not too much more. 600w on ebay with everything you need...
  12. kno

    Covering windows without arousing suspicion

    How big are the windows? How far above ground do they go? I wouldn't think curtains are suspicious but I suppose it depends on the neighborhood. Tell people your into photography and you use it as your dark room.
  13. kno

    Suggestion and tips on ventilation and HPS lighting

    Even without a digital ballast that 400w will only cost you about $20/month with 13cents/KWHR And the included links i gave includes ventilation for the light, so temps shouldn't be an issue unless your worried about exhaust temp from the lights, which should be going outside of the grow room...
  14. kno

    Ventilation Help; plz plz

    Are the lights in cool tubes? if heat becomes in issue I would look into that. 7 fans should be more than OK for that file cabinet though. And one 400w would light up that space nicely.
  15. kno

    NO2, where to buy online?

    Nope, i don't blow back into the balloon. I inhale more air from the room when I'm feeling out of breath, and I'm careful about the freezing. I'll look into the cream maker, thanks for the input.
  16. kno

    Space Needed For Areoponics

    I wouldn't go less than 8"x8" for each plant. so 8"x16" or 8"x24"
  17. kno

    Ventilation Help; plz plz

    If your getting AC from another room it should be fine for 120ft^3 without another AC unit. If you keep your proposed exhaust CFMs (260) that would recycle the air in the room every 28 seconds. You could even get away with less. what kind of lights are you using? have you though of just cooling...
  18. kno

    New Guy here. I got a question for you guys.

    Didn't read every post but weed is alcohol soluble so if you don't want to take the time to cook it you could throw it in some booze if your desperate. let it soak for a week or two, you could even dry it out and smoke it later (though it would be a far cry from its original form) Personally I...
  19. kno

    Suggestion and tips on ventilation and HPS lighting

    Personally I would go for the 400, but power is cheap where I live. Are you going for the digital to save power?
  20. kno

    How to build aeroponics??

    Your forum: Good aero grow: Crit. Parts: -Ventalation -Lights -Watering sytem -Nutes -Clones or seeds You need to decide how much you want to grow...