How to build aeroponics??


Well-Known Member
I have recently gotten into growing, and learned how to build some pretty craft DWC and bubbleponic systems. Im ready to step it up though and have no idea where or how to begin with a successful aeroponic setup are what are the critical components? Are the ppm's the same for nutrients too? HELP! kiss-ass


Active Member
Your forum:
Good aero grow:

Crit. Parts:
-Watering sytem
-Clones or seeds

You need to decide how much you want to grow (expect around 1oz from a smaller plant on your first grow, more for bigger plants)
How much space you will dedicate
How much money you will dedicate
How much time you will dedicate

PPMs for nuts are generally pushed up until the leaves show signs of nute burn if your unfamiliar with how the strain likes its food.
You can user general PPM ranges posted here as a general guide for all nutes though.

You best bet would be to check out a few grow journals here and decide what system best suits your situation.