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  1. Tanman402

    Washington State Initiatiave 1068

    Here is a copy of the initiative. I-1068 Members of the cannabis defense coalition and Sensible Washington need signatures to get this on the Nov. 2010 ballot by July 2. One of the members is director of Seattle's Hempfest. Imagine being able to grow jungles of cannabis in our backyards...
  2. Tanman402

    Legal Alternative gets LOTS of PUBLICITY

    its spreading through the media. I saw a story in my local news about this stuff in washington state.
  3. Tanman402

    Legal Alternative gets LOTS of PUBLICITY

    Sweet website. I could read that shit for hours.
  4. Tanman402

    Legal Alternative gets LOTS of PUBLICITY

    I did know that. But K2 is not intended for medical use. I've been following this stuff pretty closely in the news. I read that its made in china and korea in another article. Please enlighten my ignorance. gimme a link or something i only smoke cigarettes and drink socially. i go months...
  5. Tanman402

    Legal Alternative gets LOTS of PUBLICITY

    I totally understand that. And am directly impacted by that in more than one circumstance. I know more about it than i care to discuss. I'm not here to talk chemistry and physiology. That has nothing to do with the fact that people are smoking a substance that is more unknown than the...
  6. Tanman402

    Legal Alternative gets LOTS of PUBLICITY

    But the fact that its out there being used by closet stoners that are dodging drug tests annoys the shit out of me. If your going to smoke it go with the real stuff. This fake shit is another reason why ganja needs to be legalized. If it were legal K2 wouldn't exist and the chinese wouldn't be...
  7. Tanman402

    Legal Alternative gets LOTS of PUBLICITY

    Kan. House Bans Chemicals In Fake Pot(youtube) K2 Smoke In the news(youtube) Its too out of control now we really have to legalize the real shit. Oh yah and the best shit about K2 is it won't show on your pee test...
  8. Tanman402

    Multiple mothers in one container?

    My grow is planned for a micro sog.I plan on letting clones root for 2 weeks in jiffy pellets than transplanting into 16oz pop cans for another two weeks then into the bloom room. for two more weeks and hopefully my ladies can endure a second transplant into a 2 liter pop bottle. My question is...
  9. Tanman402

    Multiple mothers in one container?

    Thanks Tom I somewhat knew it would be a bad idea. I suspected those would be the problems that would occur. Just had to throw it out there for some kind of respone to my pondering.
  10. Tanman402

    Multiple mothers in one container?

    As I am planning my next grow on a micro level,I have calculated that I will only have room for one small LST'd mother that, I would take 9 clones from it every 4 weeks. I have been wondering what would be the quality of two to three mothers, of different strains, that have similar flowering...
  11. Tanman402

    legal alternatives?

    Try the Spice Gold ebay has that shit. Never tried but i heard its the only true alternative. It contains synthetic cannabinoids which is the reason for its illegality in the US and some European countries. Costs just as much as bud for me.
  12. Tanman402

    Is smell truely probable cause?

    I found the real answer is state dependent. Some states its reasonable suspicion and some its probable cause. Reasonable suspicion is anything indicating you might have drugs in the car, wearing a bob marley t-shirt, having swishers/ blunt wraps/zig zags, roach clip, or a swisher splitter etc...
  13. Tanman402

    Is smell truely probable cause?

    Agreed, i've learned not roll up in a car. looking down in your lap for 5 to 10 minutes straight is a dead giveaway. Twist up before you leave the house. That's the unfortunate truth. Watch Barry Cooper's Never Get Busted. They'll profile you using everything from the hair on your head to the...
  14. Tanman402

    Calling all washingtonians START PRAYING!!! Legistlature to Vote Today!!!

    Amen, anyone interested in making a difference check the cannabis defense coalition's website out. They are the ones responsible for collecting signatures for the november 2010 ballot initiative to flat out legalize it.
  15. Tanman402

    Calling all washingtonians START PRAYING!!! Legistlature to Vote Today!!!

    Wash. House committee votes down marijuana bills Efforts to reform Washington state's marijuana laws were voted down by a House committee Wednesday. By RACHEL LA CORTE Associated Press Writer OLYMPIA, Wash. — Efforts to reform Washington state's marijuana laws were voted down by a House...
  16. Tanman402

    Calling all washingtonians START PRAYING!!! Legistlature to Vote Today!!!

    Sent to me by the Cannabis Defense Coalation Marijuana bill vote today in Washington State Legislature Last week, the House Public Safety Committee heard public testimony about HB 1177, which would decriminalize misdemeanor marijuana possession, and HB 2401, which would regulate marijuana like...
  17. Tanman402

    Is smell truely probable cause?

    I googled my question and found this
  18. Tanman402

    Is smell truely probable cause?

    i know it hit me hard the next few days. i was traumatized realizing it could have went in so many different directions. lesson learned
  19. Tanman402

    Is smell truely probable cause?

    Great advice. say as little as possible unless you have no choice. i waited for them to question us separately and the officer told me if i tell him where it is they will stomp it out and let us on our way exaclty what happened. i also played the i have a super clean record and dont want to fuck...
  20. Tanman402

    Is smell truely probable cause?

    exactly what i felt was going on