Legal Alternative gets LOTS of PUBLICITY


Well-Known Member
Its such bullshit an the laws are so fucking retarded about it.
Its not illegal but your not allowed to ship or sell it lol.
My friend who works there said the feds came in for the past couple days going through everything until they found it.They wanted that shit.


Well-Known Member
This just doesn't bother me too much. Fuck fake pot made with Chinese chemicals.

As long as they keep salvia legal long enough for me to get up the balls to try it, I'm good.


Well-Known Member
This just doesn't bother me too much. Fuck fake pot made with Chinese chemicals.
But the fact that its out there being used by closet stoners that are dodging drug tests annoys the shit out of me. If your going to smoke it go with the real stuff. This fake shit is another reason why ganja needs to be legalized. If it were legal K2 wouldn't exist and the chinese wouldn't be trying to make money off of a fake drug to sell to americans and the rest of the world where this prohibition is out of control.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
But the fact that its out there being used by closet stoners that are dodging drug tests annoys the shit out of me. If your going to smoke it go with the real stuff. This fake shit is another reason why ganja needs to be legalized. If it were legal K2 wouldn't exist and the chinese wouldn't be trying to make money off of a fake drug to sell to americans and the rest of the world where this prohibition is out of control.
Dude.. some people have jobs other than fast food that require random drug tests. Think of anyone in the military.

A fake drug? I will bet you do not know jack shit about these "fake drugs" do you?

Did you know that the same aminoalkylindole that is in most of the common smoke blends, is being tested as a transdermal analgesic for future prescription use?

You think the Chinese are the only chemists in the world? That is a little racist...

This just doesn't bother me too much. Fuck fake pot made with Chinese chemicals.

As long as they keep salvia legal long enough for me to get up the balls to try it, I'm good.
It is not "fake pot"... nor is it a cannabinoid. The aminoalkylindole family are agonists at the CB1/CB2 (Cannabinoid) receptors.

What is with you people and "Chinese chemicals"? China provides plently of intermediates and pharmaceuticals to our pharmaceutical companies in the United States. There is nothing wrong with a substance synthesized in China vs. United States or any other country.


Have you ever had any of the JWH-xxx's? Half of them are stronger (and in my opinion) better than most bud anyways... it has nothing to do with pot being illegal. Look at all the research chemicals.


Well-Known Member
Rock on, man. I won't stop laughing at you tools, though. Research chemicals, go research them. Hope your kids aren't born with little flippers instead of arms.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Rock on, man. I won't stop laughing at you tools, though. Research chemicals, go research them. Hope your kids aren't born with little flippers instead of arms.
Us tools?

dude.. I am pro medical marijuana, I am for decriminilization and regulation. I have signed every big petition currently in action, I regularly write my state representatives pushing emails about marijuana policies and voting and such. I always keep up to date with MPP and NORML.. I go to local meetings, I go to rallies, I have been interviewed by my local news channel.

How am I a tool? Do you do anything to change the current laws?

Just because I like a different substance than you makes me a tool?


Well-Known Member
Dude.. some people have jobs other than fast food that require random drug tests. Think of anyone in the military.

A fake drug? I will bet you do not know jack shit about these "fake drugs" do you?

Did you know that the same aminoalkylindole that is in most of the common smoke blends, is being tested as a transdermal analgesic for future prescription use?

You think the Chinese are the only chemists in the world? That is a little racist...

It is not "fake pot"... nor is it a cannabinoid. The aminoalkylindole family are agonists at the CB1/CB2 (Cannabinoid) receptors.

What is with you people and "Chinese chemicals"? China provides plently of intermediates and pharmaceuticals to our pharmaceutical companies in the United States. There is nothing wrong with a substance synthesized in China vs. United States or any other country.


Have you ever had any of the JWH-xxx's? Half of them are stronger (and in my opinion) better than most bud anyways... it has nothing to do with pot being illegal. Look at all the research chemicals.
Lol I thought this might be a sensetive subject for you just for the simple fact of hpw he word it made me think he knew nothing about the chemicals he's speaking of,


Active Member
I was just at Mardi Gras people were selling bubble nug on the streets, including the people in the high times van same price for fake nug? I'm not having any of this.. No matter where its from..


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Lol I thought this might be a sensetive subject for you just for the simple fact of hpw he word it made me think he knew nothing about the chemicals he's speaking of,
That is my issue.

I mean I understand (and agree to an extent) with the synthetic untested shit doesn't need to be tested on people (after all we have no idea what the long term effects will be in reality).. but when you just talk our of your ass that is a whole nother story.

And I am not trying to start an argument, I respect your opinion. I think that many of these smoke blends are potentially dangerous as none that I have seen list exactly which chemical(s) are inside (which as I am sure people have seen, has caused anxiety problems in a number of people).


Well-Known Member
Dude.. some people have jobs other than fast food that require random drug tests. Think of anyone in the military.
I totally understand that. And am directly impacted by that in more than one circumstance.

A fake drug? I will bet you do not know jack shit about these "fake drugs" do you?

Did you know that the same aminoalkylindole that is in most of the common smoke blends, is being tested as a transdermal analgesic for future prescription use?
I know more about it than i care to discuss. I'm not here to talk chemistry and physiology. That has nothing to do with the fact that people are smoking a substance that is more unknown than the substance its trying to impersonate.

You think the Chinese are the only chemists in the world? That is a little racist...
K2 is made in china. The reason why i mentioned them in the first place.

It is not "fake pot"... nor is it a cannabinoid. The aminoalkylindole family are agonists at the CB1/CB2 (Cannabinoid) receptors.
Ok its not fake its a replication, happy?

What is with you people and "Chinese chemicals"? China provides plently of intermediates and pharmaceuticals to our pharmaceutical companies in the United States. There is nothing wrong with a substance synthesized in China vs. United States or any other country.
You sure about that? Anyone remember the hazardous amounts of lead in toys? Or the chinese drywall that sent many people to the hospital? There's a pretty fat reason to at least question everything that comes here from china.

Have you ever had any of the JWH-xxx's? Half of them are stronger (and in my opinion) better than most bud anyways... it has nothing to do with pot being illegal. Look at all the research chemicals.
Nope don't really fuck with any intoxacants that aren't 100% all natural except alcohol and an occasional Newport. What are all the other synthetic chemicals I need to reasearch by the way? I've only heard of JWH-018 and HU-210.

That is my issue.

I mean I understand (and agree to an extent) with the synthetic untested shit doesn't need to be tested on people (after all we have no idea what the long term effects will be in reality).. but when you just talk our of your ass that is a whole nother story.

And I am not trying to start an argument, I respect your opinion. I think that many of these smoke blends are potentially dangerous as none that I have seen list exactly which chemical(s) are inside (which as I am sure people have seen, has caused anxiety problems in a number of people).


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I know more about it than i care to discuss. I'm not here to talk chemistry and physiology. That has nothing to do with the fact that people are smoking a substance that is more unknown than the substance its trying to impersonate.
If that were the case you would know the same substances that are in the legal smoke blends have quite a bit of medical research... maybe you should get on pubmed?

K2 is made in china. The reason why i mentioned them in the first place.
How did you find this out? It is not on their site nor do they answer emails that do not partain to anything accept for shipping.

Ok its not fake its a replication, happy?
Like I initially said, you do not know what you're talking about. You're saying all substances on earth that hit your cannabinoid receptor are a 'replication' of marijuana? So is every substance that hits your 5-HT2A a 'replication' of LSD?

You sure about that? Anyone remember the hazardous amounts of lead in toys? Or the chinese drywall that sent many people to the hospital? There's a pretty fat reason to at least question everything that comes here from china.
I do not speak when I am not sure.

China is one of the world's biggest suppliers for the solvents, catalysts, precursors, and pharmaceuticals that are used medicinally.

Last time I checked, toys are not synthesized... maybe I am incorrect? I didn't know chemists made drywall either! Let's stay on topic here, their chemists are amazing.

Nope don't really fuck with any intoxacants that aren't 100% all natural except alcohol and an occasional Newport. What are all the other synthetic chemicals I need to reasearch by the way? I've only heard of JWH-018 and HU-210.
100% narural? There are over 4000 chemical compounds in a cigarette when burned! How is that natural?

Maybe you need to research EVERY substance.

I am not here to argue with you.. but if you are going to call me out like that, you should really know you are in WAY over your head dude.


Well-Known Member
If that were the case you would know the same substances that are in the legal smoke blends have quite a bit of medical research... maybe you should get on pubmed?
I did know that. But K2 is not intended for medical use.

How did you find this out? It is not on their site nor do they answer emails that do not partain to anything accept for shipping.
I've been following this stuff pretty closely in the news. I read that its made in china and korea in another article.

Like I initially said, you do not know what you're talking about. You're saying all substances on earth that hit your cannabinoid receptor are a 'replication' of marijuana? So is every substance that hits your 5-HT2A a 'replication' of LSD?
Please enlighten my ignorance. gimme a link or something

100% narural? There are over 4000 chemical compounds in a cigarette when burned! How is that natural?
i only smoke cigarettes and drink socially. i go months without having either. weeds a different story. shrooms are as adventurous as i get and only eat them when i can pick them.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I did know that. But K2 is not intended for medical use.
True true. I do not necessarily trust a lot of the smoke blends, but I do trust pure JWH-018.

I've been following this stuff pretty closely in the news. I read that its made in china and korea in another article.
I wasn't doubting you, I was just interested. Thanks.

Please enlighten my ignorance. gimme a link or something

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