Legal Alternative gets LOTS of PUBLICITY


Well-Known Member
Anyone who either uses or encourages the use of JWH-018 is either ignorant or trying to sell it to you.

From the guy who discovered the stuff in the first place:

Perhaps you underestimate how much people like to get high. One published paper demonstrated that JWH-018 is metabolized into carcinogenic metabolites, which is very bad considering millions of people smoke JWH-018 each day.

Well, I might say, “Why don’t you stick to marijuana, because it’s safer.” Smoking a compound with unknown biological properties in humans is a stupid thing to do.
The interviewer question is bolded and the answer is in italics.


Well-Known Member
From a pubmed article:

There are few data about its pharmacological properties in animals, but nothing about its toxicity. At present, almost nothing is known about the pharmacology, toxicology and safety profile of such compounds in humans, except the opinions of consumers in internet forums.
This should REALLY stick out for those of you with working brains.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Good thing you only read one source.. it makes my work easy.

A series of pre-clinical ADME/Toxicity studies were conducted on JWH-018 including CYPs, Genotox, hERG, Cytotox, Rodent Tox (LD50, Acute Dose, Repeat Dose & Pharmakinetics). All tests passed within tolerable guidelines. JWH-018 tested negative for genotox (ie cancer) using standard GreenScreen HC both with and without S9 (fraction from liver hepatocytes which metabolizes compounds and looks for genotoxic metabolites).
Anyone who either uses or encourages the use of JWH-018 is either ignorant or trying to sell it to you.
Funny enough... I am neither.

JWH-018 is also currently being studied for use as a transdermal analgesic.

Keep 'em comin' boys.

Just for entertainment..

Source =


Well-Known Member
Good thing you only read one source.. it makes my work easy.

Funny enough... I am neither.

JWH-018 is also currently being studied for use as a transdermal analgesic.

Keep 'em comin' boys.

Just for entertainment..

Source =
Got anything peer reviewed? Of the few hits I got on pubmed for JWH-018 not a one was specificly dealing with toxicity. As far as the LD50 goes, I could care less, no one is dropping dead from OD's it is the long term that has me concerned.

I am not saying the stuff is harmful, just that I have yet to see the research showing it is anywhere remotely as safe as pot.


Well-Known Member
Let's get one thing straight.

Anyone with half a brain knows that jwh-xxx is classified as a "Research" chemical.
Need I say more?:|
I'm not trying to pick a fight but everytime you ask Shep a question he responds with the proper documentaion, via the web. This leads me to believe that you need to do your homework a bit more before you enter this debate. All of his Readings are readily available by simply using the Google feature. Again, I can not stress enough that I am not trying to pick a fight or belittle you, I am simply stating the obvious.:)



Well-Known Member
its spreading through the media. I saw a story in my local news about this stuff in washington state.


Active Member
i tried some that a friend had... it tastes pretty bad, you feel kinda warm, then end up smoking real bud.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Of the few hits I got on pubmed for JWH-018 not a one was specificly dealing with toxicity.

I am not saying the stuff is harmful, just that I have yet to see the research showing it is anywhere remotely as safe as pot.
Maybe you need another source?

Have you seen research showing it is less safe than pot?

i tried some that a friend had... it tastes pretty bad, you feel kinda warm, then end up smoking real bud.
Does not sound like JWH-018 to me.. or atleast pure JWH.