Multiple mothers in one container?


Well-Known Member
As I am planning my next grow on a micro level,I have calculated that I will only have room for one small LST'd mother that, I would take 9 clones from it every 4 weeks. I have been wondering what would be the quality of two to three mothers, of different strains, that have similar flowering times, be in one pot.

The advantage would be to take clones from 2-3 different strains every 4 weeks instead of one. Would they be good quality clones, Or would it only supply me with clones till the roots are bound?

All questions, concerns, and comments are appreciated.


Well-Known Member
It would be hard as hell to do and would give you more problems than anything
First they would fill the medium with roots very quickly making you have to water everyday
Also, strains like different amounts of nutes so to feed one plant properly you could be burning or under feeding one of the other strains
Have you ever seen multiple mothers that are different strains in the same pot? Well that's why, it would be a pain in the ass and not worth it


Well-Known Member
It would be hard as hell to do and would give you more problems than anything
First they would fill the medium with roots very quickly making you have to water everyday
Also, strains like different amounts of nutes so to feed one plant properly you could be burning or under feeding one of the other strains
Have you ever seen multiple mothers that are different strains in the same pot? Well that's why, it would be a pain in the ass and not worth it
Thanks Tom I somewhat knew it would be a bad idea. I suspected those would be the problems that would occur. Just had to throw it out there for some kind of respone to my pondering.


Well-Known Member
Another option would be to take 10 clones, and create a new mother from one of them. If you have your grow running smoothly, there should be no reason why you can't get 10 clones off of 1 plant every 4 weeks. Every 4 weeks you start another mother, then throw what's left, in the bloom room with the rest of them.


Well-Known Member
Another option would be to take 10 clones, and create a new mother from one of them. If you have your grow running smoothly, there should be no reason why you can't get 10 clones off of 1 plant every 4 weeks. Every 4 weeks you start another mother, then throw what's left, in the bloom room with the rest of them.
My grow is planned for a micro sog.I plan on letting clones root for 2 weeks in jiffy pellets than transplanting into 16oz pop cans for another two weeks then into the bloom room. for two more weeks and hopefully my ladies can endure a second transplant into a 2 liter pop bottle. My question is at what point would my clones be big enough to take a cutting from each one. Maybe before the final transplant?