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  1. FatSalad

    From High School To The Pro's

    Hi Friends, I have be cultivating this caper for years. Check in every now and then and maybe get some inspiration. Basics 8kw 16 x 40 room High Quality Beans CO2 Injection The ability to get it done. PS.... I dropped one of these Lumetek's and it bent the bottom plate. It shoved the...
  2. FatSalad

    Season 1

    Hey everybody, I just got back from Amsterdam. The garden is looking great I post picts. I have been in flower for 4 weeks and i have 6 weeks to go. I dont take chances with seed companies. I like to get my in person. So I got, Chocolope-DNA LA Women-DNA Apollo 13-DNA Mix-DNA Black...
  3. FatSalad

    2400w Vertical Monster

    You are a inspiration. I have just changed my new grow setup. The use of space is so efficient. Beautiful.
  4. FatSalad

    lowering overall yield in veg

    Yeah stress fucks up your yield.
  5. FatSalad

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    Thank you.
  6. FatSalad

    69 Days Flowering - Is She Done? Pics!

    Take a look at all of his pics doe. They look like done and not done. So I say leave um.
  7. FatSalad

    69 Days Flowering - Is She Done? Pics!

    Get a scope for 17 bucks. They are fun.
  8. FatSalad

    69 Days Flowering - Is She Done? Pics!

    Nope. They are supposed to dye. The lady will pull that nitrogen from her leaves. It helps with " bag appeal" the smell is more pot like.
  9. FatSalad

    69 Days Flowering - Is She Done? Pics!

    They look cool. You should let her live a little. I know you see that alot but I believe it really is the best way to go. 69 days is kinda short. I have heard of 90 days plus.
  10. FatSalad

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    What do you use to fasten the poly to the wall/ceilings? What did you use on the floor? Do you supplement with CO2?
  11. FatSalad

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    What do you use to fasten the poly to the wall/ceilings? What did you use on the floor? Do you supplement with CO2?
  12. FatSalad

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    I think I will run my lights the way you do, like the 6 on a dice. Have you thought about employing light movers to cover more area? Lets say I can run 220 can I run all six 600 on one breaker?
  13. FatSalad

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    Nice post. I like it. I have a question how do you run your six 6 hundreds? Are they tied into two curcuits or what. Are you running 220 or 120? Come on plug me in....
  14. FatSalad

    Season 1

    Hello everyone, I just got back and I found out that I have 4 females in the closet. I am really happy because I got to save my Monkey Butt from extinction. I had hoped that my star was a lady but it turned out to be a strong male. Here are a few pictures. Enjoy.
  15. FatSalad

    My New Closet Grow Room!!! New Tips!!!

    Looks like a good set up.I would be careful using those bathroom fans. They are not the best and have been known to catch fire if you run them for a long time. I'd 86 those and get a inline fan from the depot. They are called vent boosters or something like that. The last thing we all want is a...
  16. FatSalad

    Boriboi(I'm back! 150watt hps/soil grow/pic's)

    That looks cool.
  17. FatSalad

    Season 1

    High Friends, I am back for another couple of seasons. My part of the this great world does not allow me to grow during the hotter months. I can only turn on the lights when it gets cooler. Basics 2 Bella Donna 3 Warlock 1 Monkey Butt 1 Sensi Star This first set of pict the plants are...
  18. FatSalad

    Flowering and confused

    hermie, herminator, hermon monster, herma ronni, the herm ster.
  19. FatSalad

    I Supect The Seeds I Just Got Are Bad ...

    It is funny you mention white widow seeds. I got my WW seeds for Arjans homeboy, the dude you see him with in all the videos. I gave him euros and he gave me WW in a greenhouse package. I have not been able to get any of them to pop. I asked for tipps a while back. I plan to see what arjan has...
  20. FatSalad

    Curing... curing techniques? they smell great while growing ...

    I agree. My Warlock smelled bad for the first 3 weeks. I have let it cure now for 9 weeks and as I smoke it i can taste the fruityness it had while growing. It will take time but it will get there.