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  1. FatSalad

    Dna genetis.. Wtf?

    I brought my beans from DNA store. No reseller here. I dont want to down DNA at all as I said I only smoke Chocolope. I spent about 400 usd at their store. I had a LA Women that sprouted but I killed it so I didnt put that in my post. I have had problems with all of my seeds I get from...
  2. FatSalad

    Dna genetis.. Wtf?

    I got mine in amsterdam and I cannot get shit to sprout. LA Women 1 out of 5 Chocolope 1 out of 5 Apollo 13 indica 0 out of 4 I think these cats are cool and all but the product does not seem to come through. I have a chocolope/a train that is in cre he blay. It is all I smoke. I have...
  3. FatSalad

    Season 1

    I am back in love again.
  4. FatSalad

    From High School To The Pro's

    Here we go.
  5. FatSalad

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    I told MrHowardMarks that I would post some pictures on his thread he said it was cool. So here I am jacking for beats. I plan to start my own thread and I want it to be just like this one...... so check it out? From High school to the Pro's
  6. FatSalad

    BioBizz anyone ?

    I agree. 100 % Organic. I spoke with the "owner" of biobizz at the Cannibus Cup. I bought the whole speal. He said they have the only soil that can be imported to Israel because of some special process they put the product through.I think he said it was kosher. I was hella high though. The...
  7. FatSalad

    A Question For An Expert

    Ocean Forest is kinda "hot" I started using it and it turned to mud. It is great dont get me wrong. However I grow in 5 gallon buckets and I use a 6.1.1 ratio 6 parts Big and Chunky perlite, 1 part Ocean Forest and 1 part bcuzz coco. This is working great. Ocean forest holds alot of water by...
  8. FatSalad

    Using tops for cloning?

    Yeah, it works. I have cloned LSD this way. I was amazed the stem bearly fit into the hole in the Root Cube. I use Clonex.
  9. FatSalad

    1st time grower with harvest question and pics

    Easy Killer..... You have 4-6 more weeks of flowering.......Let that soak in........ 4-6 weeks ok. That means you can cut her down in MAY.. Repost around April 20-25 and lets see how she is doing
  10. FatSalad

    C.A.P master light controller 8a.. NEED ELECTRICAL HELP BAD...PLEASE

    are your ballest 120 or 240? if they ar 120 that sounds like you have a 240 cap controller 23
  11. FatSalad

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    They look flippng great man. It was great to read this post over the last few months. I have modeled my room(s) after yours. However I went with 220v and 4 1000's in each. You might remember I asked you a question about 220v a LONG time ago. I will send you some picks when I am about done. I...
  12. FatSalad

    Season 1

    I took some pictures with my EYECLOPS it a toy thing i read about on MR Howard Marks post. It is really cool. Like a microscope on roids. Amazon has them for 20 bucks plus s/h. I am sure these will be all the rage on ROI. ENJOY
  13. FatSalad

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    I Just got mine in the mail. You gotta push it really close to get a good picture but this thing is tits. Amazon has them for 20 bucks. yes 20 bucks 25 with shipping . Enjoy. I only took a couple of pics. it was nite nite time for the girls.
  14. FatSalad

    Season 1

    Bump da bump....
  15. FatSalad

    Season 1

    And I got this mutant also.
  16. FatSalad

    you are NOT criminals

    I agree. We are not criminals.
  17. FatSalad

    Season 1

    Ok I have a purple sensi star. It was a mutant. grow really slow. I am sure it was something I did... I cannot wait to smoke this one .It has the most crystals I have ever grown. My homie agreed it does not smell natural. Star is wierd like that. Maybe alll the stuff I feed it . which was...
  18. FatSalad

    Season 1

    Next, We have Monkey butt. This pheno is more indica than the last two I grew. This pot is a hit. It is bagseed from a homie. I tied her down and fimmed her early on. She looks great. My cousin said the last harvest smelled like the zoo. Monkey butt.
  19. FatSalad

    Season 1

    Ok so I have been flowering for 8 weeks now and here is what I got...... First the Bella Donna from Paradise. It is looking really good. Dense as hell, Smells kinda fruity. I have two. I mislabled one and could not figure out what it was but it is donna for sure she looks like a twin. The...
  20. FatSalad

    The RACE - Hermie vs Harvest? Question

    They look great. Just get a pair of tweezers and get busy. Pull the "nanners" and you will be fine......