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  1. FatSalad

    Cut her down??

    Get a scope and start looking. Your plant has some dying to do. I agree with FDD you may still have 4-6 weeks. Yes weeks before you are ready. Be patience.
  2. FatSalad

    Can I Wait A Couple Weeks

    Ok, so I wanted to chop my girl down as soon as I returned home on Friday. I decided not to. I have been given her RO water for the last 10 days. She seems to love it. After FDD told me to give her some N she went on a growth spirt. White hairs everywhere. I built a dryer box and I think I will...
  3. FatSalad

    Is it that time

    Yeah you got some time. Some time 3-5 weeks easy. I find that you should wait for a little time rather than cut it short. I think that may the difference between home grown and kind herb.
  4. FatSalad

    Bubble Bag QUestion!!

    Yes, you can that is what I do with my hash. I brought the same kit. and i used a slurry method.
  5. FatSalad

    Dryer Box

    Ok, here is even more pictures.
  6. FatSalad

    Dryer Box

    Cont...I put some more pictures up for you all.
  7. FatSalad

    Dryer Box

    Hello friends, I decided I wanted to build a dry box. My girls are about 1-5 weeks from being ready and I wanted a place to put them. Here is how I did it. 42 gallon tub from wally world A couple of fans I brought off the bay for 10 bucks Some parts from Lowes, I used a 6 to 4 inch adapter to...
  8. FatSalad

    Soil Flush ==> soil ventilation problem

    It depends on how long they have been in the 4 gallon pots. How big are the plants? I moved my plants from 1 gallon to 4 gallon pots. Be careful. Have your new soil ready to go the least amount of stress you cause the better. I use FF ocean forest and perlite in a 40/60 mix. I have flushed every...
  9. FatSalad

    Is It Time To Cut??? Input Please

    Let her live for a little while longer. Good things come to those who wait. She looks like she has a little more dying to do.
  10. FatSalad

    ak48 @51 days, is she ready?

    I agree. I am no expert by far.... however from all of the pictures I have seen of harvests by the "masters" it looks like your girls have some dying to do. I read somewhere (FDD) that the buds take on a golden hue which is the trichs turning amber. Your pics show them on the white side. Good...
  11. FatSalad

    Fat Salads Grow Box

    I did not know that. I will make it hotter in there I quess:-?. Hmm lemme see, tell me what you think about this. At pot level... haha I said pot, the temp is 63 degrees(fan blowing on thermometer) at the plant top level the temp is at 76. I'ma roll with that.
  12. FatSalad

    Cooling 400w HPS

    you gotta post some pic of that thing....
  13. FatSalad

    Cooling 400w HPS

    Give HTG a call you can get a 600 watt air coolable DIGITAL for 50 buck cheaper. Haggle with them, they have been know to cut a deal. It took a few extra days for my ballest to come in so they threw in a MH conversion bulb for FREE. :grin:
  14. FatSalad

    Fat Salads Grow Box

    When you say they dont like it what do they do? slow growth? what happens. I have put the can fan on a timer regimen and it stays about 70 degrees in the box. When it get up in the 80's they stink. it is easier for me to control the odour when the temps are lower. I will stick to the indica's...
  15. FatSalad

    Can I Wait A Couple Weeks

    Hello everyone, I have decided to wait. I gave her a dose of nutes and I will cut her down on the 16th she will be 70 days old.12/12. I am still seeing alot of new growth and I am in no hurry. Thank you everyone .I cut most of the dead stuff off and performed some LST. She looks hot I will...
  16. FatSalad

    Can I Wait A Couple Weeks

    Holy crap. The sensi star is the only one that is geting close. My Monkey Butt is a sativa and will take 3-4 more weeks at least. I flushed them all 10 days ago and the TDS was 800-1000. I was told Sensi does not like alot of nutes. She had da claw early on and I stopped using sweet after FDD...
  17. FatSalad

    Can I Wait A Couple Weeks

    The chosen one has spoken......Thank you :mrgreen:
  18. FatSalad

    Can I Wait A Couple Weeks

    My sig. other takes care of the ladies while I tend to business. Like I said I think I will cut her down on Tuesday.:cry: That will give me 6 days of supervised drying. I have not made up my mind as to whether I will cut the whole thing or just the cola, either way it will be hard to slice her...
  19. FatSalad

    Can I Wait A Couple Weeks

    I dont know what kinda high I will get. I plan to kill my girl Tuesday if I dont here from a "Master" grower otherwise. I really want to wait until i return home in 14 days so I can monitor the drying process. I am comtemplating cutting the main cola and letting the rest go a little longer...
  20. FatSalad

    Help ASAP Brown spot 67 days flowering

    if it is a sativa you are not really that late into flowering some sativas go for like 100-120 days. i think you can fix it. Did you say you did a flush? i know that i flushed and was supprised at how high my TDS was. i have since learned that some growers including greenhouse flush every ten...