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  1. The Kush Guy

    Nute Q

    Read. Then read some more. Wipe the blood from your eyes and continue to read. Everything you need to know to grow is here, you just need to find it. Try using the link below to google the site, you will get better search results (IMHO) from google than from the embedded search tool...
  2. The Kush Guy

    sexing difficulty

    I'm no expert but I think it may grow more male parts as it flowers. The only way to know is to try it. Is it the only plant you have or are there others in the flower room?
  3. The Kush Guy

    Gday all, Please if you have a moment

    I also meant to add that I have a 3" mutant growing, it started flowering as a clone, so I thew it in the flowering chamber and its still flowering at 3". So you really can grow a plant any size...
  4. The Kush Guy

    Gday all, Please if you have a moment

    I am no expert but from what I have read, it depends on the strain but it depends on the length of Veg. I have seen my Kush grow 2-3 times the size after starting Flowering. I run a very short Veg cycle as I am doing SOG (Sea of Green) so I start flowering a plan at about 12" and end up with...
  5. The Kush Guy

    Flowering Clone? Is it possible? w/ pics

    Thats interesting, can you clone a flowering plant and get it to root while flowering? I ask only out of curiosity. I still like the idea of smoking the midget in one fat blunt. hahaha. TKG
  6. The Kush Guy

    Cloning, need help please

    I am no expert but here is what I can suggest after lots of fighting with a difficult to clone strain (4-6 weeks to get roots). Rooting is definitely the hard part. Dont pack the dirt around the peat puck too hard, keep the soil loose, be sure to water the soil after you put the clone in, but...
  7. The Kush Guy

    Flowering Clone? Is it possible? w/ pics

    Just for fun, I figured I would update this thread with a picture of the little midget, he's been flowering away for about 35-40 days on 12/12, he's yellowed some leaves up and I pruned them off but he's still soldiering on like a trooper!!! And still producing trichs despite not growing up, I...
  8. The Kush Guy

    Hey man, I tried to Private Message you but I think its turned off, check in Edit Options, see...

    Hey man, I tried to Private Message you but I think its turned off, check in Edit Options, see if you can turn it on. I sent you a message on FaceBook about some seeds, lemme know what you think.
  9. The Kush Guy

    I was also thinking, I'll go through in the next couple days and put together a complete grow...

    I was also thinking, I'll go through in the next couple days and put together a complete grow log of what I am doing, nutes I am using, pics of my rooms and setup etc. Figured we could trade some info over time, especially with this hard to clone strain I have right now. Although I think I...
  10. The Kush Guy

    Whats good man, it was great to meet you. We'll keep in touch, I'll be back to SD this summer...

    Whats good man, it was great to meet you. We'll keep in touch, I'll be back to SD this summer for sure and I'll send you down some seeds as soon as I get them going up here.
  11. The Kush Guy

    Flowering Clone? Is it possible? w/ pics

    I am running about 20% recommended dosage to try and kick a very hard to clone plant and have seen some interesting results so far. Its taking me 8-12 weeks to get 8" clones rooted and into dirt with about a 65% mortality rate, tried every cloning technique under the sun. I was thinking I...
  12. The Kush Guy

    Flowering Clone? Is it possible? w/ pics

    Not sure what happened, I have re-uploaded the pics. Thanks TKG
  13. The Kush Guy

    Flowering Clone? Is it possible? w/ pics

    I have an interesting discovery in my clone closet this morning, am I mistaken or does this clone look like its flowering? It is on 16/8 with every other clone in the tub, no other clones are showing like this. I have been trying different techniques to speed up this hard to clone strain...
  14. The Kush Guy

    Root gel and some experiments

    I ran across this thread and wanted to say well done, great information here, nothing definitive yet but for anyone that likes to experiment, like I do, this is a great avenue to play around with. So I have thrown my hat/plants into the ring and started some testing with IBA and will post as I...
  15. The Kush Guy

    Yellowing Purpline Leaves? Any thoughts?

    Thanks for the knowledge, I appreciate it.
  16. The Kush Guy

    Yellowing Purpline Leaves? Any thoughts?

    Awesome, that is the kind of confirmation I was hoping to get. I thought the same but figured it happend twice in a row, I should check RIU and see what others have to say. That one big guy is a little closer to the lights than the others, maybe I'll raise it an inch or two. I'll also try...
  17. The Kush Guy

    Yellowing Purpline Leaves? Any thoughts?

    As you can see in the pics, I am using good old dirt. Sunshine #4. I posted a couple of the plants that have discolored leaves and a shot of the trichs on the top of the larger one. I generally run 2 nute waterings followed by 2 just water waterings. There are about 2 waterings a week...
  18. The Kush Guy

    Yellowing Purpline Leaves? Any thoughts?

    That was the thought in the back of my head too, was that the buds were pillaging nutrients etc out of the leaves. I have been running 1500PPM GH flowering nutes until now. I am leeching for the next week or two till harvest. Trichs are thick, looks like someone dropped flour on some of the...
  19. The Kush Guy

    Yellowing Purpline Leaves? Any thoughts?

    I have a second batch of SOG plants that are about a week or two from being finished but I have fan leaves that are starting to go yellow and purple and dry up despite no lack of watering. Temp is 22 at night, 26 during the day, humidity is 50-60 and all of the air in the room is cycled every 2...
  20. The Kush Guy

    White Cloudy Mold in Nutrients?

    Well, not sure what it is, but I can reproduce it and I know for certain that its caused by SuperThrive, left in water. I mixed all the nutes in water seperately and left them, the SuperThrive grew, nothing else did. Just thought some of you out there might like the answer to this one...