Nute Q


Well-Known Member
depends on what kind of setup you have.... whether they are additives or part of a 2 or 3 part nute program.... whether your asking for the veg stage or the flower stage... to sum it up you left your question WAY WAY to broad

old pothead

Well-Known Member
When you are in veggitative growth you want the first letter N to be higher than the middle one.When you switch to flower you want the second letter P to be the highest.
As a example,i use general hydroponics maxi-grow and maxi-bloom.The grows numbers are 10-5-14,the bloom is 5-15-14.If you use a fert with too high a N number in bloom it will try to keep the plant from flowering.
You can get all of your questions answered if you look in the growfaq section at the top of the page.OPH


Active Member
Ok i shall re-frash that, At the moe im in 2 weeks of veg, (gonna leave the nutes till my 3rd week) dont no much about nutes, So what would be my best options goin about nutes?