Search results

  1. The Kush Guy

    Need Help/Advice

    First I would get the bits of dirt off her leaves, she cant get light if dirt is covering up the leaves. If you are growing one plant and never intend on growing another, then by all means use the 100 watt clear bulb and the orchid food. Your growing experience will be short lived. Some...
  2. The Kush Guy

    clueless, really want to save this one, HELP!

    Overwatering you generally see twisting and curling of leaves but down not up. How often are you watering? TKG
  3. The Kush Guy

    HELP! plant problems

    If your lights are high off the top of the plants they will stretch for the light, if the light is close, they wont stretch as much. But careful of how close you get large lights, HPS and MH can easily burn your plants if too close, where as CFLs and floros wont burn them until they are...
  4. The Kush Guy

    clueless, really want to save this one, HELP!

    Definitely looks like a heat issue, curling up and drying out like that are generally signs of over heating. What are your rooms temp (hi and lo)? What wattage and kind of lights are you using? How close are they? TKG
  5. The Kush Guy

    Need Help/Advice

    She's got a ways to go before transplanting, I use the same 16OZ beer cups to start my clones in, I dont transplant them till they are 2-4 nodes high, but I have grown 18" plants in beer cups, you just need to water more often. If you are serious about growing this lady, you should get...
  6. The Kush Guy

    Twisted leafs [pictures] care for help?

    How long has this plant been under this light in these conditions? What is your relative humidity? I see the same behaviour in my Kush clones when they come out of the humidity dome into regular air, my RH is 30's if I'm lucky so its just the shock of going from 80-90% to 30%. Try misting...
  7. The Kush Guy

    How to Fix Dry Buds!

    I wrote about this in another thread but thought I should share this one with the group. This info is for after harvest during air curing or after the cure during the smoking. If you have buds that are dried or drying out, first you need to smoke more often because that is a crime, but no one...
  8. The Kush Guy

    Freezing your buds ?

    If you want to store buds for a longer period of time, get a canning jar, the fuller you can keep it the better, I have seen bud last a month or more without drying out. If it does dry out some, I use the humidity pad from a humidor (you can buy them for about $5) and a sealing jar from Ikea...
  9. The Kush Guy

    Freezing your buds ?

    Its like anything with this hobby, you gotta watch em. I open my cure jars every day or two, check the buds for moisture, if they moisten up after a few days in the jar then take them out for 12 hours or so and put them back in the jar. Its rather easy to know, I just compare them to how...
  10. The Kush Guy

    12 weeks of flowering and no amber trichs

    That could be the realest thing I have heard in a while. Much Respect. Is it just me or have you noticed a massive influx of nubes with no clue. Its like everyone that stole a blunt from their older brothers figures they are going to be Freeway Ricky Ross by growing in their mom and dads...
  11. The Kush Guy

    12 weeks of flowering and no amber trichs

    I was thinking the same thing, maybe just a strain without amber trichs. Its definitely not a light leak issue, its in a solid sealed room half concrete and the buds are nice and fat. I'm thinking of taking down all but maybe one branch and let that go for another couple weeks and see what...
  12. The Kush Guy

    12 weeks of flowering and no amber trichs

    I have an unknown strain of Kush, it has been flowering for 12 weeks now and there are no amber trichomes, almost all cloudy now but nothing amber anywhere. Anyone know of a Kush strain that flowers for more than 12 weeks? Anyone have an opinion, should I harvest or wait another week? I'm...
  13. The Kush Guy

    what does flushing mean?

    There is flushing when you are trying to correct PH or Nute Lock (Pouring water till it runs through) and then there is flushing at the end of Veg which is what you are talking about. I have heard its about the Nutes to clean out the buds but also its about getting the last of the...
  14. The Kush Guy


    There is busted and there is BUSTED!!! Thats why this is an adult sport. Be glad it wasn't bacon serving up that lettuce. LOL. I would hang them and dry them but cure them in jars for a long long time. Maybe 4-6 weeks. The longer they cure the smoother the smoke should be. I'm...
  15. The Kush Guy

    When do i start to flush? (13 weeks old) pics attached

    What I do is to just water them for the last 2-3 weeks of Veg, no nutes at all, then 72 hours of darkness right before harvest. No imperical evidence other than good smoke when I'm done, but I have read this information in many, many places. The problem is knowing how long your buds will...
  16. The Kush Guy

    Screw This

    I dont know anything about LST really but the RIU search function isnt always the most effective way to find information, try using google to search just this site. I have learned pretty much everything I know about growing from this site using the following google search...
  17. The Kush Guy

    Cloning, need help please

    Ok, if it were me, I would use the humidome and heat pad when they are in the peat pads rooting. I do this now, I am currently trying rockwool cubes intead of peat, but both work for me. Once you start to see a dozen or two dozen roots poking out of the netting on the peat pads, very...
  18. The Kush Guy

    Cloning, need help please

    Make sure you are PHing your water AFTER adding nutes, nutes can change the PH. The nutes you are using, do they have instructions on how much to use per gallon etc? If you dont know, ask the hydro shop guy, they'll have the formula you should use for Veg, Flower, cuttings etc. Its usually...
  19. The Kush Guy

    Lighting up like a lantern

    Be careful with the spray paint, the paint fumes can kill your plants and it may take a long time for them to go away depending on the kind of paint. Mylar and duct tape generally work well. TKG
  20. The Kush Guy

    How do you grow without telling people?

    Growing is like Fight Club, the first rule of growing is you dont talk about growing, the second rule of growing is you dont talk about growing. Al B Fuct, a legend in the community once said "Growing is an adult sport" talk to your dad, if he's cool, grow away, if he's not, get a job and move...