When do i start to flush? (13 weeks old) pics attached


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow, it has gone very well. The pic attached shows my largest female, she is about 13 weeks old and has been flowering for 5 weeks.

They are under a 600watt metal halide lamp, on 12/12, 1000ppm nutes.

I know im meant to be looking out for the colour of the hairs turning half red (well thats my preference for type of smoke) and i know i need to flush for at least a week, right?

So how much longer do you think she has, i know its difficult to see from the pics, but id like a rough idea, becuase i really do want to flush them with a professional flushing agent.

So how much longer would you give her before starting to flush?



Well-Known Member
as for "professional flushing agent" dont waste your money just use water trust me,spending money to flush your plants is just silly!!! :)

The Kush Guy

Active Member
What I do is to just water them for the last 2-3 weeks of Veg, no nutes at all, then 72 hours of darkness right before harvest.

No imperical evidence other than good smoke when I'm done, but I have read this information in many, many places.

The problem is knowing how long your buds will take, its something you learn by trial and error and by knowing your strain.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
yea it looks like u got a while to go..once ur start noticing some yellow leaves appearing start ur flush...if ur growing hydro which i think u are u only gotta flush for a few days but i like to flush for 10days


Well-Known Member
i hear of just 3days or so in hydro but i go at least 10days i like to flush 2-3weeks tho...it promotes a final growth spurt could almost double in size just by flushing 2weeks


Well-Known Member
Flushing is not only for the last 7 days or 14 in some grows ,it is a good idea to flush the plants through veg and flowering.


Well-Known Member
Flushing is not only for the last 7 days or 14 in some grows ,it is a good idea to flush the plants through veg and flowering.
y the hell would u wanna do that if u have no problems? i never flush till its needed.. i use just water everyother watering but dont flush till im bout to harvest