How do you grow without telling people?


Active Member
How can you make a stealth operation without talking about it? If I couldn't even tell 1 person it would drive me crazy.

How do all you go about it?

old pothead

Well-Known Member
That is why we are here.No one knows our names and where we live,so we can sleep at night knowing our babies are safe.
If you tell someone,what control do you have that they will not tell someone else.You might as well throw your front door open and put a sign up saying free pot.
If you read the posts here long enough you will see enough people who have told their best freind(s), and ended up getting ripped off.
You want to brag and get answers to your questions,we are here for you.OPH


Active Member
Haha, okay. Very good answer. But here is where it's a little more complicated.

I want to grow at my dads house, and I'm not sure if he would care. I kinda want to ask him if he would mind, and just leave it at that. But I don't really know. I need a safe and secure growing area, any ideas?


Well-Known Member
there is no safe or secure place to grow.. only less dangerous... talk to your pops... if he says no.. then leave it at that... dont be stupid and try to find a spot... the more you ask around and look around the more likely youll get ripped off or busted...


Active Member
Yeah I suggest starting a grow log here, that's the best way to blab about every little step in the process to someone.

The Kush Guy

Active Member
Growing is like Fight Club, the first rule of growing is you dont talk about growing, the second rule of growing is you dont talk about growing.

Al B Fuct, a legend in the community once said "Growing is an adult sport" talk to your dad, if he's cool, grow away, if he's not, get a job and move out...

Good Luck.


Active Member
Think long and hard about growing in someone else's home without their permission or knowledge.

And the way you don't tell anyone is by........ never telling anyone. If you can't keep your mouth shut - REALLY keep your mouth shut - don't grow at all. You'll get ripped off or busted or both. As others have said, ask questions and brag online - never ever in person.


Active Member
Haha, thanks guys. The encouragement is actually awesome!

So heres the deal. I talked to my dad, and I said things like "I need a secure place to start a stealth operation." So hopefully I will keep this trend and never actually say anything about growing, haha.

But anyways, he said it was okay, and the less he knew the better he was. This thread will now self destruct, good luck and expect a grow log soon enough. :cool:


Active Member
Ok a old friend of my father once told me this.

Never tell your most kept secrets; Not even to your very very best friend; Because some day your friend my turn to fowe ;And out in the world your secrets will go.
